The Amani are NOT the good guys

Tyrande stands as an example of her people. Warcraft doesn’t tell stories about nameless NPCs. It tells stories about hero characters.

If the Night Elves were immortal, and could yet reproduce similarly to other races, the world would be over run with Night Elves. Tyrande shows the example of a literally Goddess Blessed Night Elf who cannot have children, despite having her Goddess’s blessing.

When you have official lore supporting your headcanon, then we’ll talk.

Until then all you have is assumptions.

This is the story forum where we discuss canon lore. If you want to discuss your own personal stories about what you think happened, the World’s End Tavern forum is over there.

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I don’t know how many different ways I can say “this is just your headcanon and speculations” until you get it through your thick skull that none of the crap you’re saying has any basis in the lore.

You’re saying that Tyrande being infertile was Blizzard’s way of suggesting Night Elves as a whole have fertility issue because she’s the racial leader? Do you have any idea how abhorrently stupid that is?

Also, the majority of men spent the better part of 10K years in the Emerald Dream. Gee, I can’t imagine why the population didn’t blow up.


1 ) No i didn’t.

2 ) The Amani Empire has never faced a genocide upon them, let alone multiple.

3 ) These three things are irrelevant. Pre-Troll Wars, humans and trolls had never clashed within the Arathi Highlands, only rival human tribes did.

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You’re hiding. You’re aware that Blizzard has never liked Trolls and only used them as things to be conquered. They weren’t considered people outside of the Darkspear, and thus no extra thought (nor effort) went into their design. Humans and elves conquered and genocided trolls, and it was handwaved because “”“they attacked first”“” despite humans and elves literally invading their lands and creating bloodlines and artifacts with the sole intention of the genocide of the entire troll race.


So, to wrap this up:

Officially, as per the Chronicle and other sources of canon lore, there were no cases of genocide occurring against the Amani Empire before or during the Troll Wars.

The Amani were the aggressors against both the Elves and the Humans.

The Amani Empire assembled its army and waged war on the Humans and the Elves at the foot of the Alterac Mountains. That army was winning until the humans unleashed a firestorm on the Amani forces causing many to die and the rest to route.

After the collapse of the Amani military, the Amani empire shattered into various tribes and much of the territory that the Amani claimed as theirs was captured by the humans, but Troll population centres such as Zul’aman were left alone.

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Casual reminder: Blizzard as recently as this year stated that trolls cannot learn orcish without an elf teaching them to do it – and also stated that trolls didn’t read at all on their own, despite Zul’Aman, Zul’Gurub, Zul’Dazar, etc all having engravings in their stone walls.

Citation: Sean Copeland (Head of Warcrat’s Lore) / Copeland’s wife on the writing of Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor.

I have seen nothing in the lore that ever stated that Tyrande is infertile, Shandris being her adopted daughter means that she chose to adopt rather than have a biological child of her own with Malfurion. Even if she did, by no means would her problems be the problems of the entire race.

The one canonical lore example that i can currently think of where a race didn’t procreate often would have been the Draenei due to the fact that they are so long-lived. Never seen or heard of the Kaldorei practicing this, despite their longevity & prior immortality.

I think i recall Vereesa saying that it was rare for High Elves to give birth or something, too.

Dreadmoore has so far provided little more than pure speculation & assumptions & headcanon, which, while they can be sometimes nice, will always be overruled by the written canonical lore every single time.

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How utterly delusional do you have to be to think this? I’m sure Blizzard has a gajillion troll raids over the history of this game because they simply personally hate the trolls for some reason. They made one of the eight original playable races troll cuz they hated them so much. Half of BFA’s open world content was dedicated to trolls because of their seething dislike of them. Trolls being in Warcraft 3? Pure hatred on Blizzard’s part.

Not delusional at all. Blizzard even named one of the troll models in the in-game files as a word that rhymes with Spit.

No, what they stated was that one troll, one, did not know how to read and write and had to be taught to do so.

Official canon shows multiple examples of characters that cannot read or write.

It is heavily implied from the canon that education is not widely available. But that is an implication and not officially confirmed.

I think her leader shortstory with Malfurion implies this though it might not state it outright.

So, some blizzard employee from god knows however many years ago named a troll model (crap) and that means the entire company hates them. Nevermind the fact that the employee might have just gotten frustrated with making that singular model work or something.

Ok, lets be fair here. Zappy boy not knowing how to read despite being a shaman is a bit weird. And having Lor’themar being the one to teach him also seems suspect…
His IQ overall is like a standard deviation lower in that Kalimdor book than he is in-game or in Shadow’s rising…

I am being fair.

One troll not knowing how to read and write is perfectly fine within the context of the Warcraft universe where multiple characters have been show to be unable to read and write.

Thrall had to be taught how to read and write. Both common and orcish.
The guards that captured Thrall after he escaped from Durnholde did not know how to read.
The camp lieutenant that the guards took Thrall to after they captured him did not know how to read.

Yeah, but Zekhan himself suddenly being less intelligent and worldly than he was portrayed previously is weird. I’m pretty sure there were even instances of him reading in Shadow’s Rising…

I’d have to read the book again to check on that, but I don’t believe that’s the case.

If it is though, that’s a major blunder by the writers of that book, but that doesn’t surprise me as they did write that the ‘Dark Portal’ was in Azshara.

You employ selective reading very heavily.

I’ve other quotes in the thread that remark how Blizzard doesn’t treat trolls like people outside of the Darkspear and the Zandalari (as of BFA) but I’m not gonna take the time to go quote them.

So, Zekhan being taught Orcish writing by Lor’themar is the same as every Troll being too dumb to learn it. You’re an idiot. Idk what brain damage causes you to project specific circumstances as general trends, but I honestly pity you. If I selectively read, you read stuff and hallucinate multiple lines afterwards to form your hilariously incorrect notions on lore.

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Zekhan didn’t even know what deterioration was before Lor’themar taught him.

Not an argument, you mental midget.