The Amani are NOT the good guys

Why not? Because its apt? You’re just a racist. Come on, France needs to defend their native land form Colonizers. It’s ok right?

Go ahead and take a look at a map of Australia or Russia.

Both countries claim a lot of territory as theirs, but most of that territory is completely empty of any civilian population, and that’s even with the modern technology that we have today.

Just because you claim territory, doesn’t mean that territory is populated by people.

I’ll give you some great examples of this in my country:

In Western Australia there is a section of land called the East Pilbara Shire. It is roughly the same size as Japan. Want to take a guess at how many people live in East Pilbara Shire? 10,591 people, and half of them live in the town of Newman, on the southern edge of the Shire.

In South Australia there is what is known as the Pastoral Unincorporated Area. This area of South Australia is the size of France, but only has roughly 3,750 people living in it.

There’s also Anna Creek. It’s the world’s largest cattle station. Roughly the size of Israel. Only has 8 people working full time at the property. That’s it.

So just because you have a lot of land, doesn’t mean that land is heavily populated. It can be completely empty, nothing but wilderness, but it’s yours because you say its yours.

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It’s funny you say that, because nelven subtext is that they can’t reproduce often.
You see the nelven empire, and you can easily understand that it would be like Russia.
Any subtext for trolls saying they don’t reproduce often, Carhagen?

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I am aware of humanity’s origin.

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That was the map of Pre-Sundering Azeroth. Not the era of the Troll Wars. That map was and is inaccurate to modern-day Eastern Kingdoms.

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Yes, they were exiled there by the Vrykul for being weak so that the Vrykul could “preserve their race” (an impossible goal as humans would have been born and continue to be born no matter what the Vrykul did) Still doesn’t change the fact that there is no recorded lore of the Arathi Tribe ever engaging in conflict with forest trolls that had already settled the region.

“My headcanon is…” WoW lore discussions would be so much better if people stopped trying to insert their nonsense headcanons and fanons into discussions surrounding the lore.

What the hell man ? France was the colonizer. Libyans are fleeing from a situation France is largely to blame for. I’m serious, just don’t even bother interacting with me anymore


Nah, see, the French are native to that land. So its ok for them to attack refugees coming close. That’s the logic you put forth. “Might makes right is ok when its against colonizers”
You can be a mental baby and fake moral outrage when an argument you can’t overcome is presented, but it just lets everyone else know you’ve lost.

Also, many of the people coming to France are coming through Libya and are not migrating as a result of Libya’s collapse. Is it ok in your mind for France to shoot those? But they have to take the Libyans cuz they caused the problems there? See how silly your mode of reasoning is?

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I’m not even going to entertain this stupid question, go and look at the examples I posted of large land masses that don’t have people in it within my own country.

Better yet, I’ll quote myself so you don’t have to scroll up:

I admit making no difference between “refugee” and “colonizer” is so ridiculous I can’t overcome it. Congrats I guess.


Then you bold-faced lied when you stated that Arathi was human land.

It was the map of the trolls before multiple genocides wiped their people from empires to coastal villages.


Google Night Elf reproduction rates.
Then google Troll Reproduction rates.
Then marvel at the differences in the results you’ll receive. Night Elves have a staggering about of discussion on their hardship in the matter.
The only thing Trolls have is some RP thing on Tumblr.

That’s because you stepped into a blunder without looking. You asked me to compare troll empires to russia: big, wide, empty. But Trolls aren’t known for having “big, wide, empty empires.”

But Night Elves were.

And if Night Elves were known for big, wide, empty empires, yet still have more ruins than trolls, it is proof that troll civilizations were utterly destroyed and wiped off of the geographical map.

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High Elves are by definition Refugees you absolute clown. They’re forced out of their home by the Night Elves and made to travel across the world onto a continent where they have nothing. If High Elves had dark skin we wouldn’t even be having this argument. Your racism is so thinly veiled it disgusts me.

Based on what lore? Again, you’re ASSUMING facts. You really need to stop doing that.

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Russia’s largely empty because it’s mostly barren, cold, and inhospitable.

Azeroth’s Pangea was none of these things.

And yet you’re still assuming because there’s no recorded evidence of the trolls having massive populations and cities all over the place.

I’m all for headcanon and creative theories about what could be out there or what could have happened. But stop trying to paint this headcanon as official lore.

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This doesn’t even touch on that Trolls evolve to match their environs faster than any other player race.

So comparing them to Russia is beyond false. There are frost trolls. Dwarves have entire quests about murdering their whelps.

I already answered this. You’re pathetic and I’ll just leave it at that.


“Google these headcanon discussions other people had”
No. I won’t. I argue about canon lore. Not speculation

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Google Tyrande’s daughter.

You’re racist. You can call me whatever you want, but at the end of the day, I’ll sleep soundly knowing I’m more moral than you’ll ever be.

Oh wow, Tyrande personally has fertility issues? Clearly the entire Nelf race does too. Oh wait, that’s just your headcanon.