The Amani are NOT the good guys

And we will probably beat it. Like every other world ending threat.

Of course we will ; otherwise Azeroth falls and the game stops.

Yes there is. Anything of Teldrassil’s attrocity or greater is a genocide. The Trolls owned the vast majority of the world, and now you can’t find their ruins hardly anywhere – but you can find night elven ruins in an overwhelming number of zones. This means that Night Elves (and High Elves, and later Trollbane humans) went a step further than Sylvanas (All Souls are Anima) Windrunner: They went out of their way to destroy multiple civilian population centers.

After all, just take a look at Desolace, then wonder why we oh so rarely discover troll ruins as commonly as night elven ones.

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Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people—usually defined as an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group—in whole or in part. Raphael Lemkin coined the term in 1944,[1][2] combining the Greek word γένος (genos, “race, people”) with the Latin suffix -caedo (“act of killing”).[3]

Destroying an army that is attacking your people is not genocide.

There is no recorded genocide of the trolls occurring during the Troll Wars. No city of the Trolls was attacked by the Elves or Humans during that conflict. The conflict was won at the foot of the Alterac Mountains, far from any troll city or village.

The Night Elves and the antiquity war is irrelevant to the point I made.

And again, your entire argument relies on assumptions, not recorded fact.

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/10 characters


Or it could be most of troll territories are more like Russia. With a vast swath of territory hardly populated.

If you’re only going to respond to part of my post and not the actual points made, don’t bother replying to me.

All you have are assumptions, not recorded lore.

The irony is thick, given my post was entirely about the civilian population centers, but your post addressed it as though I implied that killing soldiers was all that it took.

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When you have to knowingly twist my words and apply meaning that isn’t there, it tells me that you have no real counter argument. And by the standard you apply to the humans, the Trolls aren’t native to Eastern Kingdoms either.

You didn’t even attempt to address the treatment of refugees. Probably because your moralizing, attention seeking, clown show falls apart when you apply the barest level of real world scrutiny to it.
:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Give me one example of a troll civilian population being killed during the Troll Wars. Just one.

You can’t do it. The reason why you can’t is because there’s no recorded lore of any of them being destroyed, only that their territory was claimed after conflicts with their military forces.

You are assuming that there are villages and population centres all over the place, and then you are doubling down on that assumption by assuming that the Humans and High Elves (because Night Elves are irrelevant to the point being made) wiped out those population centres.

But you can’t actually prove it, because there’s no lore supporting it.

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I don’t think that Blizzard named even one before BFA. But, we don’t need names to discover long lost population centers. It’s why I mentioned Night Elves and Desolace. When I was new to Warcraft back in vanilla, every time i found a nelf ruin I hurriedly whispered my friend: “Is This The Dark Portal?!”

We don’t (typically) discover the names of any of these ruins. But we find their remains, skeletons of long-dead areas of civilization.

We almost never find these of Trolls. Either the trolls currently live in the zone and keep their lands alive, or their giant stone zigurrats disappear while night elves’ giant stone towers and whatnot don’t.

Which implies that night elves, high elves, and humans did a whole lot of geographical redecorating after killing the population centers off.

After all, Lordaeron, Arathi, and Gilneas weren’t originally human land.

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Translation: My headcanon says yes.
Reality: Amani are shown thirsty for the blood of non-combatants whenever they’re portrayed in game/lore while the High Elves and humans are only ever shown dealing with the forest trolls combatants and no desire is ever communicated to go back to the troll villages and wipe them out.

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1 ) Arathi was human land.

2 ) By the map of the Troll Wars, Gilneas was actually unpopulated; the closest faction were the humans.

3 ) The majority of Lordaeron was controlled by the Amani Empire, though there were still human tribes within it. . Lordain’s tribe - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft (

latest (2292×3056) (


I don’t have to twist your words. Your post makes it clear that in your opinion, the natives who fiercely defend their territory, like the Trolls and the Drusts, are bad natives, and the peaceful natives who will go as far as making Taurajo sound justified, like the Tauren, are the good natives.

You call the High Elves refugees. I don’t, I call them colonizers ; the only reason why they had to leave Kalimdor is that they weren’t even willing to abandon the privileges that had just led to the shattering of the entire planet. The choice was theirs. I won’t shed a tear for them.

They don’t compare. We know that Humans originated in Northrend and fled to the EK to escape genocide. We can guess the originating zone of the Trolls in accordance with the location of the arcane founts, but we know nothing of their proto-history. DF might drop some clues with the Primordial Trolls thing though.


Humans did not originate in the lands that we know as the Eastern Kingdoms.
The Amani did.


Refer back to docket one: Humans did not originate in the lands which we now refer to as the Eastern Kingdoms. They were exiled there by Vrykul.

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You’re proving my point here. There’s no recorded lore supporting your claim. You’re just assuming. The problem with assumptions is that you can be way off the mark at any point.

You are assuming for example, that during the Troll Wars, the Amani Empire had civilian villages and cities all over the territory they claimed as theirs. But officially they did not. Their capital was Zul’Aman, and they had temples and villages around Zul’Aman on the edge of the Darrowmere Forest and then there was a heavy concentration of their civilization in the Hinterlands. There’s little to no recorded evidence of any troll civilian populations existing in what is now the Tirisfal Glades, or the Western Plaguelands. Most of the Eastern Plaguelands is also free of any troll civilizations (only that one population centre that was inhabited by the Mossflayer Tribe). Silverpine as well, only had one portion of its land controlled by a troll tribe, although it’s dubious as to whether or not that tribe is even canon at this point. We just don’t know.


Funny how all this apologist bullcrap falls apart when you…actually read the lore.
Amani were the aggressors. They were evil and had a blatant desire to genocide both the High Elves and humans. They were crushed. Their lands were taken, and even then, they were allowed to keep living, which is a curtesy they would not have extend

With this, you reveal that you don’t have a coherent world view. Might makes right in your mind, as long as its native populations fighting against “colonizers” but its wrong to use force when you’re attacked after setting foot on a new continent.

By your logic, France is justified sinking refugee boats coming from Libya and America should just put snipers at their southern border.

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But there is an entire geographical map supporting mine.
You want to imply that because Blizzard didn’t put the time into trolls to name their population centers (reminder: one of the troll models is named a word that rhymes with Spit in the in game files, they didn’t like trolls to begin with) that they cannot have destroyed population centers.

But trolls built with stone. Nelven stone buildings survived.
Why didn’t the troll’s?

Blizzard set Precedent with Night Elves and their ruins.

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Armchair progressives don’t support genocidal warmonger challenge difficulty: Impossible.


Lmao. I won’t even answer to that disgusting comparison.