The Amani are NOT the good guys

I don’t have my books handy right now, but I’m pretty sure I remember seeing that in the WotA books.


The elves caused the Sundering, invaded Troll lands, built their ugly city on top of sacred Amani lands and are the responsible for most of the bad things that happened in Azeroth.

They are brutal colonizers and criminals. Responsible for the deaths of millions (because people forget, they murdered millions in the sundering, and tried to bring endless demonic hordes to our world)

The Amani are right, Zul’jin did nothing wrong. The only good elf is the dead one. The lore is in favor of Blood Elves because Blizzard was run by people with certain mindset, we all know what mindset it was.

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“Most of the bad things that happened in Azeroth”

The first lich king was an orc, the Shadow Council was an orcish invention, Cho’gall; an ogre formed the Twilight’s Hammer, the Cult of the Damned was formed by Kel’thuzad, a human. Deathwing is a dragon…

I could go on and on. Also, “responsible for the deaths of millions”, the elven population = / = Azshara. That was the Burning Legion and whatever Highborne & Kaldorei that remained loyal to Queen Azshara, all of the other night elves actively fought the Legion.


It seems that your reasoning does not account for the human condition.

Some people will believe incorrect things despite any and all available information that contradicts their perspective. Look into the concept of “cognitive bias” to learn more.

This is compounded by “confirmation bias”, ensuring that exposure to correct information only reinforces their previously held beliefs.

This phenomenon that you describe can be witnessed in multiple non-wow related matters, for example:

  • Some people believe the earth is flat.
  • Some people think bad guys from WW2 were the good guys.
  • Some people think that socialism has never been tried the right way.

To sum up, the reason some people genuinely believe the Amani trolls are the good guys is not because of lack of infromation, but in fact due to psychological factors outside of your control.

P.S. This obviously does not include people actively engaging in fantasy roleplay of the “evil” side.

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Look, the situation wasn’t set up to have good guys and bad guys. It was set up so that both sides would have a point. That’s how they used to do Warcraft story, back in the good old days.


This is true. Both sides have clearly a point here, thats the reason its moraly grey. Some people want one side as clearly 100% bad guys and fail to see the point of the story

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You’re saying that “a race deserved to be genocided.”
You need to take a long, hard look at your life.


After their try to kill all elves and humans, they deserved their portion of karma, but genocide?

the army of the trolls was litteraly destroyed, not their civilians in za.


He said nothing of the sort. Nowhere in that entire message did he imply that a race deserved to get genocided.

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Literally not, back in the “good old days” it was Alliance and Horde and clearly the Horde was portrayed as evil. At best the backstory of the trolls was ill defined in Warcraft 2.

There’s no evidence of a genocide occurring. You really need to stop mis-using words and attempting to apply them to situations where they don’t fit. There’s no written evidence that a genocide occurred during the Troll Wars.

What is written is that the Amani were the aggressors, attacking both the Elves and the Humans, and that their army was crushed by magic and the survivors of that army were run down by Ignaeus Trollbane and his soldiers.

If you want to claim genocide you have to make assumptions. Assumptions like the Amani lands were populated by villages when there’s no record of them existing, assumptions like if there were troll villages that the humans and elves slaughtered them, leaving no survivors and no traces of their existence.

As I said in an earlier post, there are only two troll tribes that we know of that lived in the regions that would become the Plaguelands, Tirisfal Glades and Silverpine. The Mossflayer Tribe and the Shadowglen Tribe and those tribes were left untouched by the humans due to how remote they were. The Shadowglen Tribe may not even be canon anymore, given how in World of Warcraft absolutely no trace of them or their structures can be found in the wilds of Silverpine.

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The Humans were native to Northrend. Their civilization is native to EK.

What I get from your entire post is “a good native is one that welcomes colonizers with open arms”. Yikes.

Fine then, if your definition of “being the children of” is that large. I’m not certain it says anything relevant or interesting about the Trolls though

I guess we’re both biased in our views here then, because I sure hope Trolls won’t be written off as yet another “sorta Titanforged” race. It’s about time the story shows the Titans were never outright needed for life to exist in the Great Dark and sapient lifeforms can emerge without their assistance

Thank your for your enlightening analysis on how we only sympathize with a colonized race that’s always been unfairly caricatured as cartoon villains because of our own psychological biases. We sure needed that.

What you guys don’t seem to understand is that people defending the Amani is a necessity, it’s a way to counterbalance their traditional depiction. Yes they’re not all morally white since they reacted in an arguably overly agressive and brutal manner. But the game doesn’t mark them as “morally grey” ; rather as morally black. Hence why the legit sympathy for the Amani.

Ultimately they are definitely more in the right than the High Elves though, that is certain.


It says that the trolls would not exist without the titans. And that saying the troll have some a greater right to Azeroth because they are not influenced by them is false.

We already know the titans were not needed for life to exist(exhibit A, Draenor). We also know not all the planets were titan touched. having said that the titans were one of the most important reason biological/intelligent life exists in Azeroth.

Having said that, the fact they we have managed to win against the Legion and have beaten fate time and time again says that we in Azeroth are special because of a great deal of conflating circumstance. Not the least of which being on a world with potentially the most powerful titan that will exist.

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True, though Azeroth being oh-so special is yet another lore direction that I’m not particularly thrilled about, but that’s another issue

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On this side note I would like to point out that intelligent life exist(at least relatively powerful intelligent life) exist partial because of the titans. I expect the draenei were the way they were because of the Titan Soul Argus.

The thing is that out of the 3 planets we have solid knowledge about, 2 have World Souls, right ? And even then, there are counterexamples : see the Arakkoa or the K’areshi for instance

And both race did not achieve the same miracles we have. Kareshi in particular while certainly commendable did not beat the Legion even once. And while the Arakkoa had a great civilization, they were dwarf by the Eredar in terms of magical prowess.

Edit: I was actually thinking of the Aldrachi. Still the Ethereals did fail to beat the void lords(or a portion of its power) and yet with out help we managed to stop them.

Hum, to be fair, the K’areshi had to deal with a Void Lord. A Void Lord is something else.

By all accounts, the Arakkoa are a much, much, much younger race than the Eredar, and Draenor is a much younger world than Argus.


A void lord(well more like a sliver of the void lord) we beat. So again, we of Azeroth managed to stop an entity the Ethereals couldn’t beat.

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You mean that questline in TBC ? Well first we only managed to beat him thanks to the knowledge of the K’areshi on how to make him vulnerable ; also, it’s not so much a proof of Azeroth’s superior intelligence, rather yet another masterstroke from the PC character who is ridiculously overpowered. I mean, who can’t we kill, really ?

But no, seriously, a Void Lord is a formidable threat that Azeroth never really had to deal with yet. It will happen at some point, of course.