The Amani are NOT the good guys

I didn’t say that. Can you read? I say the other races can live next to each other for as long as they don’t tresspass into troll territory like humans and elves did. Also I would never advocate to get the Horde exterminate.

The only extermination that took place in Azeroth history was during the Troll Wars. And it was done by humans to the Amani.

It looke dlike this.

and for that grave insult the human race needs to perish.

Elves are evolved trolls and have every right to replace the prototype. As evolved trolls they have a natural right to all of Azeroth. As evolved trolls they can ally with whoever they want, and in that case it was the humans, against their prototype cousins.

Nice to know your pro genocide of those you deem lesser than you.

Hot take, but you do you boo. :dracthyr_heart:


humans are not related to trolls. Elves are an offspring. Elves belong at the bottom of the sea enslaved by the former Highborne now known as Naga. The entire Empire of Azshara is illegitemate. It deserved getting destroyed by the Sundering. Sadly the demons didn’t finish the job.

Irrelevant. The evolved trolls allied with the mutated space robots, so what?

Makes no sense, since, as you said, they’re Highborne as well.

Trolls conquering Trolls.

Who committed genocide. You don’t just summon a giant firestorm from the sky and think you can get away with it.

Nazjatar is now the space that formed the center of the former night elf empire since we see the ruins of Zin-Azshari there. Which was the first place the dark trolls used to populate at before they turned into night elves. So this is where they actually belong.

Trolls getting invaded by an expansionist empire.

They were helping the Troll supermodels, so it’s ok. Also, cope with the fact that your Trolls live on a baby Titan.

I meant that it doesn’t make sense why they should be enslaved. Naga and other Highborne are perfectly capable of forging alliances on equal grounds. Like under the Illidari.

Still a Troll empire.

Trolls are the rightful rulers of Azeroth. There is nothing more to discuss.

Krigga, please.

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Maybe they should start waging war against everybody again to prove that point, only to get wiped out for real this time.

Trolls wouldn’t exist without the Titans and the Titanforged who settled the planet before them, so no.

Now if we were talking Black Empire…

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Pfft, colonialism. More like the Amani attacked refugees on sight and then lost the war afterwards. How is it “colonialism” when the humans were native to EK just like the Amani were, and had to live with constant attacks by the Amani for generations.

Idk what planet you live on, but attacking refugees is a war crime.

Also, who the hell defends the Drust? Not even all the Drust were in favor of attacking the Kul’tirans. IIRC some lived peacefully with them and eventually intermarried and were absorbed into the population. The evil drust we see are the ones who, again, attacked people on sight.

Drawing a parallel to Trolls and Drust to irl native populations is just laughable. IRL natives were usually peaceful and were attacked first by the European powers. It’s pretty offensive to be like “nah, these murderous, genocide happy, races are totally the same as IRL native groups.”

If you want an native vs colonizer narrative that actually matches up with IRL, look at the Tauren vs Dwarves. Or the Frostwolf vs Dwarves.

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I mean, yes the various humans/gnomes and dwarves have the old gods to thank for being made flesh and because of it are actually stronger then their pure titan forged brethren.

Well yeah, as much as the Naaru hate the idea they are related to the void it is quite establish that the two forces are inextricably linked.

Which means they are children of the titans. Maybe unexpected/unplanned ones but still children of the titans.

If the Black empire had existed when the troll were created they would have either enslaved or wiped them out. So, yeah they have their titans parents to thank for that. Also, considering Azeroth is a titan, they ARE titan children. Their development is directly influenced by Azeroth, a TITAN.

Yep, exactly.

The Black Empire came first. Then the Titans arrived, created their Titanforged and wiped out the Black Empire. They created the Well of Eternity which was the catalyst that created the Troll race in the first place.

So all the Titanforged races, Vrykul, Tol’vir, Mogu, Earthen, Mechagnomes etc, they all pre-date the Trolls by many, many years. Their settlements also pre-date the Trolls by many, many years.

The Trolls were able to claim a lot of the world because the Titanforged races simply weren’t interested in creating Empires or waging war. They were focused on their duties to maintain the prisons of the Old Gods.

Just because they controlled the bulk of the known world at one point, doesn’t make them the rightful rulers of it. The same can be said of the Night Elves, who also controlled the bulk of the world at one point, but are not considered to be the rulers of it.


The trolls have never been stated to be titan descendants, or descendants of titanforged beings.

Humans are descendant from the titanforged, because their ancestry lies within the Vrykul.

Orcs are descendant from the titanforged, because they can trace their ancestry all the way back to Grond who was made by Aggramar.

Trolls have no such ancestral claims. The trolls come from the Well of Eternity.
At the heart of ancient Kalimdor lay the Well of Eternity, an enormous lake filled with powerful energies. The Well accelerated the cycles of growth and rebirth on the primordial continent, and soon sentient life forms arose from the wilds. The trolls were among the first and most prolific.[4]

The trolls live in a world with a titan soul dude. Even if the pantheon did not create them, they are creature of a titan.

You mean the Well of Eternity that is the essence of the titan Azeroth? Yeah.

On that note, do you know how the well of eternity was created? It was where Y’Shaarj was and Aman’thul ripe him from the planet causing a gaping wound in Azeroth and the titans built the Well to try to heal Azeroth.

That’s because they’re not.

However the Trolls were created by an act of the Titans. Essentially when Aman’thul tore Y’shaarj free of the earth and ripped him apart, he created a massive gaping wound in Azeroth’s surface that began to bleed magical energy into the surrounding waters. After the Black Empire fell, the Titanforged helped reinforce that wound to prevent it from killing the nascent Titan worldsoul that was within Azeroth, creating what would become known as the Well of Eternity.

The magical energies of the well allowed for the mutation of native lifeforms that existed on Azeroth post-Black Empire. One of those native lifeforms would eventually mutate into the the first Trolls. Later a tribe of Trolls would rediscover the Well of Eternity and their settlement around the well would eventually mutate them into the first Night Elves.


This is a good point. They aren’t “Titan forged” but they can be considered “children of the titans.” Azeroth is a sleeping titan and her blood nurtured them through the well of Eternity. When we apply this standard, even the Draenei are Children of the Titans because they were nurtured by Argus.


I have said this before and I will say it again, I am hoping all the playable race are “children of the titans”. It would make the faction conflict doubly ironic that is effective just one big family feud.

Go look at Erevien’s comments.