The Amani are, infact, the good guys

all land is troll land

But no, really, we could stand to do more with the Amani than kick them around in Zulduzar.

The Revantusks are great but need more personality and screentime.


I think its a mix of War2 nostalgia and wanting playable Forest Trolls. Not everyone seems to be aware of the Forest Trolls being apart of the Horde via the Revantusk.


Which is a true shame and I hope it is not forgotten in Midnight.


I am genuinely annoyed we got a skin tone for dark trolls instead of forest trolls. Come on!



I’m not. The way I see it, the skin tones have let Blizzard bring forth customization races like the Darkfallen and Man’ari without having to actually make them a playable race on their own right. And the fact they hyped the Man’ari as WoW’s first playable demons, is a big factor as to why I see it that way.

Anyways, since there are no Forest Troll skins, and the fact that they have different male models, make me more confident than Forest Trolls could end up as a playable race on their own, over a customization race.


Playable forest trolls wouldn’t be so bad. Weird to get them before Ogres, maybe, but not a bad addition.

I suspect it’d be the Revantusk. The Amani were introduced to the franchise as unrepentantly evil monsters, and then when the opportunity came up to give them a different identity and the same treatment the WC3 Horde enjoyed, the Devs instead doubled down on the Amani being unrepentantly evil monsters.

That hasn’t really changed at all either.

Maybe Midnight will do something else with them, but right now I’m expecting they’ll all become Void Trolls and throw away their empire in an act of mutually assured destruction, cementing their legacy in the lore as revenge obsessed genocidal maniacs.


If we are not getting high elves in Mifnight then we fel better just get Amani troll as neutral races.


If the Amani are playable, they need to be Horde only. There is absolutely no justification in any timeline for them to join the Alliance.


There is no justification for them to join the Horde either at the moment, in fact, they hate the Horde alot more then the Alliance at the moment due to Silvermoon.

And we ended up having the dwarven body type in the form of Earthen be neutral. Seems natural that their Horde counterpart, the trolls, end up being neutral as well.

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Ehhh… I mean, come Midnight the Void is going to be chewing up that general area and if the Amani are affected, I can’t see them being kosher with the Void Elves moreso than the Blood Elves. That said, the Horde does have the Zandalari, which the Alliance lacks.

The Amani have more reason to be open to the Horde, Blood Elves included, than they do the Alliance.

The dwarven counterpart would be Tauren.


You can see that Ironforge rep converts to darkspear rep. Like the dwarves serve the same fuction as the trolls, to be the effective second hand for the Alliance/Horde respectively.

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I don’t consider game mechanics to be indicative of lore.

Lorewise, I could see some Tauren on the Alliance. The Alliance has had friendly ties with Tauren in the past, Baine himself was aided by Jaina after Cairne’s death, etc…

Granted, if we’re due for another neutral race, I’d rather see something both sides want, rather than where only one side really gains something new. So, Ethereals, Sethrak, or Naga would all be good candidates for the neutral slot.

Yeah, it’s fair to argue the Alliance deserves some Horde model in exchange for the Horde getting Earthen, but Trolls? No thank you. Alliance trolls can be a thing once Blizzard allows players to pick their faction at character creation independent of race.

Blizzard has always had game play be part of lore, if on a more subtle level. The fact is, ever since Warcraft 3 the dwarves are effectively the second most iconic race of the Alliance and the same applies to the troll’s place in the Horde.

And I am going with an eye for an eye deal. They got one of our most popular races. Sounds fair we get theirs in return.

Tauren are more popular than Trolls, in my opinion. And again, a more lore-friendly option.

The Amani joining the Horde or Alliance makes no sense. For nearly a hundred generations their culture has revolved around hating and wanting to wipe out the elves of Quel’thalas for ruining their empire and keeping them down. The very existence of Quel’thalas and Silvermoon are an affront to them.

Not a single existing Alliance vs. Horde racial hatred comes even close to that. Why would they decide to submit to the same faction as the high, blood or void elves and start treating people as allies whom they’ve raised every generation of Amani trolls to despise more than anything else for the past 2,800 years?

The whole time the Amani have continued raiding and slaughtering the elves’ villages and outposts, while the elves of Silvermoon have continued routinely hunting the Amani as if they’re vermin to be culled. Their elf hatred is deeper than even that of the other troll tribes because in spite of the Amani Empire’s fall, aside from a short period when the Scourge was actively wrecking everyone in the region, to this day the cycle of the Thalassian elves and Amani trolls killing each other has basically never stopped. Basically no Amani troll born for almost three millennia (really longer, as that’s just since the Troll Wars, and they were already hostile before that) has known a time when the elves of Silvermoon weren’t killing their people as a matter of course.


Nah, they’re jerks. They were a hostile wing of the larger Zandalar empire who killed and took land indiscriminately, not an oppressed indigenous people.


We have Eredar now. Amani aren’t even that problematic.

Earthen are Not dwarfs.

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says the furry race, please stop the cringe

look at me

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I don’t know why, but your forum avatar is a void elf, but under your name it says 70 Human Priest, not Void Elf priest. Recent race change, I suppose?

my forum avatar is a high elf :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: