The Amani are, infact, the good guys

A tribe of genocidal warmongering bloodthirsty cannibals that sacrifices its own in deity worship and treats its own as property of the tribe, are not the good guys.

Nor do they become the good guys by virtue of suddenly becoming the underdog relative to another group, nor do they become victims when they lose.


No. They stand against humans and elves which is treated as capital crime because those races are the literal pet writings of the Blizzard Devs.

I get it.

The genocidal warmongering bloodthirsty cannibals become the good the second they are not treated with the same privilege they were previously given, when they had an enormous empire.

So it is not behavior that makes good or evil, but the presence or absence of privilege, factual or perceived.

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They(Amani) are native people. Humans are alien robots.

Ok so now I get it.

The genocidal warmongering bloodthirsty cannibals become the good by virtue of being there first.

So it is not behavior that makes good or evil, but first come first serve.

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Its not their problem the elves didn’t have land. They took it by force from someone who already lived there so the HIGH elves are infact the true bad guys together with their human friends.

I mean, technically the earthen and other titan fighting forces were on Azeroth first, mainly spending their time defeating the Black Empire and than remaking Azeroth in the titans image.

Either way, without them, life on Azeroth doesn’t come about and there are no trolls

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The titanforged are literal alien robots meant to safeguard the titan settlements at the edges of the continents and failed super hard at that. They committet the genocide first. not the trolls. They just defended themselves. And all the evils of the titans might finally be exposed in Last Titans so we can worship our actual gods, the First Ones :wink:

Sure. Believe what you want. :dracthyr_nod:

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All humans must pay and all trolls shall reclaim their actual ancestral homeland.

also your creators are old gods since without them you would have no curse of flesh. N’zoth is your actual leader.

The Draenei/Eredar are from Argus and have nothing to do with the old gods

Oh look, Grazrug is on the official forums too! What a surprise.

Anyway, No, the Amani are, in fact, the bad guys. Which is why Zul’jin went to Revendreth with Genocidal Evil Kael’thas and Genocidal Evil Garrosh. :smiley:

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And the Belves too, right?

If we’re talking about giving the Trolls back their land, let’s not forget all of Silvermoon which is right on top of an Amani sacred burial site.

Go back to MMO C you void elf larper. Srsly the Amani will have the final laugh mark my words.

Against their historic enemy and colonizer the Belves?

Sure, let’s see it.

against the humans who actually were the deciding factor in losing the war. Especially Stormwind.

The humans that the Elves trained to kill Amani for them.

And Stormwind isn’t on Amani land, it isn’t even on the same subcontinent, or hemisphere.

Try again.

Belves wronged the Amani, Belves continue to wrong the Amani, Belves are actively living on their land.

We get it, you don’t actually want justice for Trolls.

You don’t care about them because you won’t even admit who their biggest colonizers are.

and those elves are still part of the alliance and see the rest of the Horde as stupid smelly savages trying to kill them every chance they get.

No they aren’t.

They’re Belves.

Doing the same thing they’ve always been doing.

Killing and actively colonizing the Amani.

Give Silvermoon back to the Amani.

high elves. night elves. humans. dwarfs. all of whom have along history of killing trolls and taking their land(in this case Zandalari, Gurubashi, all forest tribes and the Frostmane).