The alternative to sharding: Patience

so basically the classic community has to suffer because tourists.
i got a better solution. release classic on the same day as a major content patch.


Blizzard is only considering this because they have an idea of what’s going to happen. They’re doing this very short-term and you think they’re doing it to make the community suffer, when they’re actually looking at the bigger picture and ensuring the communities on servers are healthy long-term.



i understand why they are looking at it. still not happy about it. would much prefer another option like releasing classic on the day of a major content patch.

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Queue times and dead servers also fragment the community.

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queue times will go away after like 3 days. will sharding?


Actually you could argue you cement your community even more because you don’t have servers dying out and then merging onto others which is basically the definition of fragmentation. I get that you don’t like it but for Blizzard to announce it means they are obviously anticipating a large amount of people on day 1 and they want to make sure they can all log in and play day 1.

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and if what you said was true, the community would be thriving in retail. but gasp its not.


You’ll have to trust Blizzard will remove it like they said they would.

Trust them just like you did when they said there won’t be Class balancing.
Trust them just like you did when they said there won’t be group finder.
Trust them just like you did when they said there won’t be flying.
Trust them just like you did when they said there won’t be LFR.


except on the concept of sharding blizzard has been known to not keep their word…so yeah.


That really depends on how sharding is implemented.

But I do know dead servers never go away and suck for anyone stuck on them.

We’re not talking about retail, were talking about classic and its release with sharding. These are two different boats here as from what I gather they are vastly different games (i believe you even brought this up multiple times). This is why we have a separate forum, separate topics, etc. Not sure why you made this comparison.

and that’s why i don’t want sharding. we don’t know if it will go away. or when it will go away. or anything.

SHARDING IS AWFUL. it hurts the community and it better be gone asap if its used


and yet it certaintly pertains to your argument. if sharding helped the community, why hasn’t it effected retail?


I would rather have sharding than dead servers.

We’ve also never seen sharding without cross realm groups.


So you believe they’ve lied about sharding in the past. Do you normally continue to trust every word a person says after they’ve lied, except about the thing they lied about?

You and everyone else that treats everything Blizzard says like gospel, EXCEPT when they talk about sharding are very illogical.


this would mean something, but seeing as you want all sorts of non vanilla stuff, it doesn’t.


Because modern wow isnt an MMO anymore? I believe you typed those exact words. Basically you log in, do some dailys, que for a dungeon and whatnot. I cant give information about why sharding affects the current game because I havent played since 2010 but what I can do is read what others post and note that it certainly isnt sharding affecting the community as much as the other QOL changes in the modern game.

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no. i don’t completely trust them on everything else. but what i am willing to do is give them enough rope on the other subjects to hang themselves figuratively.
on sharding i have absolutely no trust for blizzard. so until they come out and give us HARD details on its inclusion they get nothing.


and yet if sharding was as good for the community as you lead to believe, it would have started bringing community back and making the game more socialable. this is not the case.

To the Classic developers, his voice does matter; every voice matters.