The alternative to not having LFD is much worse, Classic Lead devs

Since we lack WoW community council representatives to speak up for the community, I will take lead on this topic (and discourse here why LFD should be in the game).

There are no social interactions in the game in terms of getting groups. Not the way it is being “promoted” by certain individuals, including the WoW classic lead dev.

Our social interactions today is resumed to: spam LFM+ or LFG at LookingForGroup / Trade / General channel in Shattrath in hope that we get someone to join our group (for dungeons/pvp), and we monitor people LFM or LFG through an addon (LFG Bulleting Board). Without it, it is impossible to read through the LookingForGroup channel.

Now, let me go here quickly and say: the reason we cannot have those social interactions in LFG is because our servers are huge. When I was at Skeram, we could still talk in LFG, the server was “smaller”, although very active until late phase 1. Once we got to Faerlina during Phase 2, that kinda of social interaction was over… however, we got to get more and more groups to play.

Don’t fool yourself or anyone else with the excuse of “social interactions” to not add LFD to the game. Today we use an external software to organize our social interactions and groups (Discord), either PUGs (GDKPs and SR runs in the realm discord server) or Guild Runs (our own guild runs within our own discord servers).

Rarely we have to (or have the courage to) rely on LFG / Trade to LFM people to complete a GDKP/SR run, since we cannot certify so fast the player’s experience/capacity to collaborate with the raid, so usually we go to Discord first to ping people that are on bench or anyone else that can raid on that give day.

Of someone is so oblivious about the LookingForGroup channel, I suggest you to go through the following video from reddit:

In my own experience, I used to talk a lot in the heroic dungeons (I was a blood DK Tank during Wrath), so I used to run heroics all the time. Warsong realm, Ruin battlegroup.

More than once I crossed people I already knew in the LFD and people that recognized me (I was one of the first NA players to get Herald of Titans title FYI), so usually there was social interaction as a Blood DK full decked in the current tier was tanking heroic dungeons in LFD. Not that everyone will be willing to do it or expecting it to happen, just saying it is not because you have LFD that you will not have social interactions. We have so many tools that add more social interactions cross-servers that using the destruction of “social interactions” sounds like the most idiotic excuse ever made.

So, in a world without LFD, how do you think you will be selected for heroic dungeons.
Even before that, how do you think you will get into a heroic dungeon at all?

You first need a tank, then you need a healer (in case you are not one of them).
If you have guild and people to play with you, great, then you have no problem doing your groups (except low level groups right).

But if your guild tanks are already occupied, where are you going to get a tank? spam LFG and hope that LFG Bulletin Board will list your request so you can get your tank? some people have to PAY a tank today in TBC, what makes you think that will be different on WoTLK Classic?

And in case you are lucky to see a group LFM to a heroic dungeon… you know what will happen?
They will be asking for a certain Gear Score.

Gear score will happen 100% and there is nothing you can do. You can’t escape Gear Score without LFD. If you are not geared enough you will not get groups, unless you make your own group and you pay your tank, then you will be able to go through dungeons.

As the title says, the alternative to not have LFD is much, much worse.

Bring LFD on release, Blizzard. Your customers are asking you nicely for quite some time.

Do not disappoint your customers.


Must be new around here.


LOL ‘nicely’ . all I see on this forum is angry customers name calling blizzard employees and saying they need to be fired. way to go paul.


Well said.

This game will suffer without LFD without question.


If you can tell that, Blizzard is already aware of their mistake and will probably lead them to fix their wrongdoing.

That is just common sense!


just think of all the boost money they are losing…lol.

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The biggest joke about this whole issue is the anti-RDF crowd wants to create groups to their liking (excluding certain others). While the PRO-RDF crowd is open to grouping with everbody. All while being removed for the benefit of socialization.


Don’t think RDF is all sunshine and rainbows.

It has lots of problems.


Being angry doesnt make you right.

If you look in the council section, you will see the majority of people in that thread are wanting RFD (LFG).

People are really forgetting how awful the queue times were if you are a dps. 45mins to a hour wait time was the norm, which then started the tank controversy.

You had people queuing as tank and were not tanks. Then you had people queue with their tank buddy to get an instant queue and then the tank leaves, as they were just their to get the fast queue for the friend. Which then, all those people sit in that dungeon until a tank is filled.

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We either need connected realms or LFD. One or the other. We do not want to spam chat channels anymore. We never wanted to do it in classic/crusade but Blizzard forced us to do so. We were left with the hope that if we just suffered through these, at least things would get better in wrath. But now Blizzard says, “you get to suffer in wrath has well, even though this expansion put LFD in the game.” They’re turning LFD off for ALL realms with no mention what so ever for what they will do about the populations. It seems to me that they only care about the narcissistic mega realm players which do not need LFD, so to hell with the rest of us. They need to look at how hard it is to get groups on a barely alive <1.5k faction, not the 20k+ mega factions.

I’ve also suggested simply turning LFD off for the mega realms and leaving it on for the rest of us. Is that not a win for everyone? Why must small realms suffer because mega realms do not need something? Have we not suffered enough?

“Even easier. Free transfers for everyone.”
-Another solution but it would require Blizzard to stop charging for it. They’re not going to do that. They’ve already screwed up transfers countless times. My realm was never even put on the list and they still don’t allow PVE to PVP, a totally pointless restriction. Does anyone care at this point if transfers to your PVP realm come from a PVE realm??? NO. The old zones are deserted anyway and most PVP realms only have 1 faction.


Even easier. Free transfers for everyone.

Realistically do you expect Blizzard to develop a feature they obviously don’t want to spend time on for only a handful of servers?

I can’t wait for the gearscore threads. Boy thats gonna be juicy… Almost hope they keep LFD out just for those.


Neither free transfers nor LFD fix the problems faced by players on low pop servers and hearing countless players on megaservers saying it will help us is disingenuous. By and large, they don’t care about the players on low pop realms but are only now feigning concern because they think it will help them get what they want. I’m going to repost what I put in another thread regarding this exact issue:


We need both.
Some people want to level by spamming dungeons.
Some people want to quest and walk in the open world.

having other players in the same zones will allow them to having a legit MMO experience which is denied today because of how the game works (almost all ppl in endgame).

By connecting all old zones into cross-realm that fix this problem.


People who want to buy boosts from Blizzard will still buy them. Don’t worry.
Just because they add LFD doesn’t mean there won’t be people looking for Boosts.

By having LFD it increases their player retention as well.

Not to mention that with LFD, WoW achieved its highest peak of subscribers. I wouldn’t dare remove such feature or not even add it on first day with the new expansion. It is like releasing Cataclysm without transmog.


Is there a reason that LFD can not be set up as a means to level alts. Leave the Wrath Dungeons off of the que. Finding groups for lower dungeons is hard enough with now, and it will only get harder after Wrath is released.

I’m anti RDF since I think it’s lazy way to form a group. RDF encourages toxic behavior especially by disired roles since they can insta que.

I honestly don’t care either way, but if I had to choose it would be no RDF.

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Thanks for taking the video. I used it in my thread as well. Keep up the fight for what’s right.

Shame that Blizzard can’t implement both types of servers (with & without LFD) & then let the chips fall where they will, as players are allowed to choose for themselves which is preferable for them. Can’t be any worse than the current server mess & “player community” that they have these days.

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