The Altar of Decay Sucks

More specifically, the location of the Altar of Decay sucks. The accessibility of the Altar of Decay sucks.

For those who don’t know, this altar is needed to craft some things in Dragonflight. It happens to be located inside a dungeon instance (Brackenhide Hollow) and only usable after you defeat the final boss.

I didn’t know this when I spent 20 of my precious leatherworking knowledge to unlock the ability to craft a toxified armor patch that needs this altar. Sucks to be me, doesn’t it?

It also sucks that I can’t respec the points into something else that would actually help me with my crafting. I like the professions overall, but this is a ****up.

You want to make the game friendly for casuals, and then you force them to complete a dungeon to craft something. You make it easy to waste knowledge points in a crafting profession and don’t give them an opportunity to change their point allocation. These are mistakes. Design flaws. This sucks.

That is all.


That is a legit complaint


Yeah, someone didn’t get the memo when designing this. I want to do professions INSTEAD of group dungeon crap. Why would they do this? lol


the ability to reset profession knowledge points is a MUST almost everyone who dove headfirst into the professions is suffering because “why wouldn’t I get a reset somewhere like every system in the game”

Knowledge resets are going to be this expansion’s soulbind resets/covenant switching, Devs are going to be stubborn as hell about it for NO REASON and then act like they are to be applauded when in 10.3 they make a way to reset it… Lesson not learned from SL.


Wow…yeah that’s some harsh stuff. Only in the dungeon too… why is this a thing? Any other crafting stuff like this or did leather workers get the finger here alone?


No, the best alchemy crafting can only be done there. It’s really dumb. People focus professions because it’s something they can do instead of group dungeon crawling. Blizzard eliminated that option with this. They need to rework it.


worth noting that you can check what each recipe requires, even if you havent learnt them. you should have checked before you specced those 20 points.

that said, the altar of decay IS very annoying to access.

edit: you CAN save a dungeon lockout with no trash, and you can keep extending the lockout. while this is still somewhat troublesome, at least it saves you time from reclearing the dungeon every time you need to craft something.


Does it 100% have to be in the instance, or can the altar in the open world version of Brackenhide work?

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casuals are not bumbling, half witted children, they can do a dungeon.

this is actually fair, the professions aren’t explained well and you kind of have to get it right on the first try


I do dungeons very frequently and even I think that’s stupid for wanting to go ahead and craft something.


it has to be in the instance


im generally fine with the idea, If you go down that path you just do a lot of crafting over trickle crafting. Make 20 instead of 1 kind of deal. It makes the game more diverse that way. A cool part of vanilla was needing to go into a dungeon to use the black anvil, it made the world feel like an actual place instead of just jumping off points for content


On paper it’s Neat and different but come on after a while that’s annoying


I was going to say before you edit that you could get around this by doing it as mythic 0 since all trash is tied to a boss so a cleared mythic 0 should be empty if you extend week to week.

Kinda dumb but I also agree this is a buyer beware type of situation. I actually think it is a good thing people can’t just undo and respend points. Actions and decisions should have consequences.


I got a potion that requires it and because I thought there was no way they would do this, because they haven’t done something like it since vanilla, I checked. Sure enough you MUST complete the dungeon. This is arguably worse than having to clear half of Sholomance.


I think if you run it multiple times per week to craft small things yes, extremely annoying. I’m not against them adding things that let you sneak by and skip the dungeon mostly. I do want it to stay in there though.

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Arguably sure so long as you are willing to lose that argument hard.

Clearing a mythic 0, even on the egregious end of 1 hour, is and always will be a quicker investment of time than Vanilla Sholo if only for the simple fact that you can extend that week to week so the 1 hour pays for itself…and even an hour is already an over estimate.

I’ll still agree it’s unfair that all crafting professions don’t have an equally annoying craft requiring dungeon involvement. There should probably have been a quest to make this alter of decay or something.

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Yeah the Altar of Decay was super weird to me. For tailoring, the Azure Loom is just in a town and the Temporal Loom can be easily accessed even without having done the story where it is. Both are in the world.


could just make it a quest where you take the alter away from there cant they or somethin?


Is it not in the same spot if you go there in Azure?

Dumb, if so.

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