The Alliance Within

Then why is the Alliance story so boring?


I enjoyed it.

Thrall is out of league for Jaina.

First time following the opposite factions characters around and dealing with their problems huh?


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Orclords of hordenor.

Where we were slaughtering Orcs all expansion?

If we were slaughtering all the dwarves & humans instead of working for them, you wouldn’t hear these same complaints.

When is the Slaughter-the-Alliance expansion coming?


PvE is also Alliance-centric. The “Horde” guilds doing race to world first were fielding teams of 15+ Dwarves on Mythic Fyrrak, for example.

Blizzard has completely put their thumb on the scale for the Alliance, in PvE, PvP, and the story in general.

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Interesting how PvP stops being a piece of side content irrelevant to the matter of factional favor when it seems like it can support your position.
Very principled.

I’ll actually go back over to the Alliance rather shortly after writing this comment lol
Took me just about a week, and I’d say this just goes to show how absolutely, truly unbalanced this situation is…
(as Horde I’ve won battlegrounds no more than one whole hand can count, and as a Druid, not having Shadowmeld… even if just for exiting combat, truly does hurt)
And, well, I don’t like the idea of a cycle of ‘revenge’ (“justice” by reversing an imbalance in an impossible quest to equalize every valve… Pressure will always seek one way out, but we get to choose our solution… Do we follow the OP racials or not… ofc for min-maxing purposes it’s usually a ‘yes’. So what exactly is the solution here? Tuning them again? Changing their nature completely? Who knows… :confused: )

Well, I guess it’s the Alliance’s time to shine :dracthyr_hehe_animated: FOR THE ALLIANCE! :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Alliance has been dominating PvP since WoD. Their “time to shine” has been a decade, now.


you’re playing the wrong faction =)

Alli are the good guys =)

Sorry when has PVP balance ever been a thing? Is this like the new delusion?

Oh, it hasn’t. Nor do I think it’s ever possible to achieve.
What we have is large swings between factions, depending on which racials give an edge in competitive content.

It would be nice if Thrall were gone forever because he’s so boring and tiring. Other Orc leaders like Jorin, Nazgrel or Gorgonna etc. should receive attention.

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You literally had a Patch where you burnt our tree, invaded the NE Homelands and desecrated the entire area. She also made Anduin a baddie and gave him the worst case of PTSD we’ve seen yet.

He wasn’t always boring and tiring, though. They wrote him into a bad direction, intentionally, and now he’s basically just an Alliance lackey. They ruined a great character to prop up mediocre characters.


This is most likely related to the Goblin raid.
On the one hand, I’m looking forward to it, but on the other hand, I don’t want a horde race to become cannon fodder again.

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They ruined Thrall because Alliance players complained after Cata.

The opinions of Alliance players about Horde characters shouldn’t matter. It’s absurd that Blizzard did what they did.

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Unfortunately, the fact that Horde characters are always made servants of the Alliance is a long-term problem that Blizzard doesn’t want to change. But for the reasons stated, I don’t think it makes much of a difference for Thrall and that his story feels complete.
It is not unknown that Thrall and Baine like the color blue.

Ultimately, I want to have an orc that I can look up to and not be ashamed of like I did with Thrall.

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