The Alliance Within

The WoT is BFA pre-patch, not an actual full patch. Also this is not what people mean when they’re talking about lacking presence, however true or not it might be.

It’s the same stupid nonsense that led to people pretending Thrall was too much because he was headliner for a patch in Cata.

The fact that Thrall is considered “an alliance lackey” for behaving almost identically to his wc3 characterization should tell the faction brainers just how incredibly dumb their obsession with the faction war has always been.

Thrall telling off Varian at the end of Siege of Orgrimmar.

Does this look like somebody who “likes the color blue”?

Thrall’s a cool character. The problem is that there’s nobody left at Blizzard who knows, or cares to know, how to write for Horde anymore.

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The Alliance Crusade
The Wrath of the Alliance
Alliance-Lords Better Garrison
Mists of Alliance
Battle for the Alliance
The Alliance Within
The Alliance by synthwave Midnight
The Alliance and the Team Titans

:izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab:


Thall wasn’t always the way he is now. He was a great character back then, but now that’s gone. Now look at today’s depressed coward and you will see the differences. To perhaps save Thrall, he would have received similar treatment in Shadowlands as Jaina did in BfA, but the train has left. Give me Jorin and Nazgrel and I will be happy

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I think Thrall is easily salvaged if Blizzard would actually start telling Horde stories, again.

The problem with Thrall is that, since Blizzard has only told Alliance stories since Legion, and since they always use Thrall as an intermediary, Thrall is always playing second fiddle to the Alliance.

He’s just there to be the token Horde character.

Nobody would look good in that role. It’s a role that should be eliminated.

The game was built on always offering 2 different experiences, one for Horde players and one for Alliance players. Whether for cost-cutting reasons, or just bias from their staff, Blizzard doesn’t do that anymore, and it’s going to keep eating away at their playerbase until they correct course.


I didn’t burn any tree. Theramore on the other hand, I bombed the heck out of that place.

It’ll probably just be Venture Company or something, who are not Horde.

Delicious…it’s a damn story just enjoy the story. This doesn’t always have to be about you and your faction.

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thrall had so many chances to delete anduin and he never does.

maybe he knows anduin isnt good for the alliance. 5d chess.

Say the Alliance players when the last 8 years have all been about their faction.

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Yes, well, that would be too reasonable for WoW players.

Better to groan about faction bias and favoritism as if you’ve been personally slighted lol

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As it should be, if there’s going to be a lasting peace between the factions then SOMEONE needs to teach the monstrous Horde how to be civilized :sunglasses:

Kidding aside, Blizz has always struggled to give both factions equal time in the spotlight during times of peace. On the bright side though Harronir will probably be a big focus of 11.1, and their potential link to Trolls could give Horde leaders more things to do.

It’s not a personal slight. But there should still be the two quest paths. I’m sure you like questing with your NPCs. We’d like to quest with our’s. Even in expacs that were “Horde focused” Alliance still had their own questing path.


The horde is nothing but a minor subfaction of the alliance these days so I don’t see the issue.

Gazlowe is the literal goblin racial leader. Truly nothing will ever stop the terminally faction brained from whining.

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It’s cool that goalposts are getting moved to “Undermine isn’t real horde content” by a blood elf faction brainer of all people.

Right and questing with him doesn’t happen until Azj Kahet. I’m also doing a couple quests with Flynn Fairwind, and why?


That would be… Cata, and…

I’m drawing a blank on the rest.


Wow it’s like they’re setting up endgame content in what’s currently the last zone. Who would have expected.