The Alliance Within

I don’t care about factions anymore. Ten years ago? Sure. We’ve come too far to be fighting amongst ourselves, especially after we had Class Halls and worked together.

If we want PVP factions, simply make subfaction groups we can join and get rid of the two major factions. No more Horde, no more Alliance. It’s old and worn out after 20 years (not even going back to WC1).

We’re following Anduin, Faerin, Thrall, etc. Both factions showed up on the beach. It’s time we focused on our Classes rather than our factions.

He was about orcs having freedom and agency outside of human control. The Horde was built as a protective measure to ensure that free people didn’t end up under the Alliance (human) boot.

Now he’s Anduin’s purse puppy. :stuck_out_tongue:

And leading the Horde underneath the Alliance boot. :slight_smile:


Yes, that was step one. Step 2 was always trying to be peaceful and united. What people here do not like to hear is that Thrall did not ever hate humans. To him, humans and orcs were hardly any different from one another. This was because of his way of life.

Again, you misspelled Mentor

Where is the Alliance stepping on the horde? If anything, The horde suffered with Garrosh and Sylvanas mostly.

It’s fair to say that even Thrall can be wrong.

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He can be but this is one of the times he is more right then wrong. Orcs and Humans do act exactly like one another. This was a thing since warcraft 1. Also both showed how leaders can incite a war for their own gains. Until later on we found out those leaders were being manipulated by the Legion in Warcraft 2 and 3.

Well he was raised by an human who was a arena master who owned a camp.

And had a human last who acted like a loving sister to em.

Sounds like he may have some internalized bias towards humans then. :stuck_out_tongue:

So what you’re saying is that we always should have expected Thrall to tuck tail and sell us out to the Alliance?

I may be taking this the wrong way but all of this comes across as “You’re right about him. But you’ve been right about him for longer than you thought.”


Oh yeah?! Hold me back!! :smile:

Just to know, Nightborne would have been purged on sight if it wasn’t for how Thrall created the horde. Nightborne would have been alliance if you wanted a war mongering faction.

Literally the only reason Nightborne are with the horde is because of Thrall and how he let the blood elves in. If not for that, blood elves would have also been alliance, and so would the nightborne.

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We might all be working together now, but I am still going to crap on your lawn.

I am 100% okay with merc groups crappong on another merc groups lawn.

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He did have a bromance with a lot of orcs.
So you can’t break the bro code.

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I ended up going Alliance only because my Alliance RNG was way better, and doesn’t feel like such a grind to get gear/do WQ. She’s got a 55x gear score and my horde toon just got garbage along the way. The horde toon is rocking mostly Dalaran gear still.

Oh well.

How did those bromances work out for those other orcs though?

Didn’t go great for either of the Hellscreams that’s for sure.

The biggest impact Thrall has had on the story since like Cata is just being the Grim Reaper for Horde warchiefs.

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Garrosh hardly had bromances with his own people. Dude was going full on rabies mode. Like, he killed a Peon orc because he was too tired. Dude was showing signs of being the next Gul’dan.

Biggest impact was putting Garrosh on the warcheif chair. That is all Thrall really did that kinda struck a big blow against the horde.

Wasn’t Garrosh Thrall’s pick?

He seems a poor judge of character.

Damn it… I’ll let you have that one because it’s funny

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That was because of blind nepotism on his part and he knew that. Because he was the son of Hellscream and Thrall tried to raise him up. Just be thankful Garrosh is dead, dude would have murdered the nightborne on sight.

You are a good sport. :smile:

I mean this is my only Nightborne and he’s been 51 since BfA. I’d probably survive.

I don’t think any of these things were inevitable though. They are just the result of poor writing choices.

Poor writing choices that continue and are a part of why we have this narrower and less varied campaign.

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