I’m with species resources and I got a call from thrall that he accepted the compliment even tho it’s against the rules to say such things about orcs.
I learned something today!
Haven’t really thought about the factions much since Shadowlands.
During Anduin’s conversation with Thrall that I awkwardly sat as the third wheel in, factions haven’t occurred to me at all. I don’t think Anduin or Jaina care about the Alliance anymore, they’re over it.
And honestly, I really like that about Anduin. I like that he’s nothing like Varian, who I subjectively could not stand.
Magni should have been killed off, he’s Alliance so they made an exception.
Tbf what’s to stop them from using the machine on magni to make em “alive” again?
Welcome to the team. We must unite to defeat [shadow bae][arathi empire][old god][zealous Titan][overly enthusiastic faction leader][because it makes better marketing]
Didn’t you guys get Warlords of Horde a few expacs ago?.
rofl, that is one way to put it.
Yup, that’s why it’s gross they’re shoehorning him as the default Horde representative when he’s just an Alliance shill.
I Mean, the tauran also love the humans. Goblins do not care any which way, Vulpera actually do get along with the alliance. The forsaken are just undead humans. Orcs, I think they are just tired at this point of their people betraying one another and just want to finally plant some roots.
Blood elves are just alliance lite.
Nightborn have more in comment with the void elves but they have a stick up their butt about the night elves still and elf on elf violence willl never stop.
Trolls are probably the last ones that are against the alliance but the Trolls were literally against every race on Azeroth at this point.
I vote we take the tails of any horde complaining about too much Alliance stuff in TWW and give em to Worgen. Then you can have something real to complain about.
Lighten up , you are wearing a bonnet. Nobody in a bonnet can be this sour.
Thrall is just green Anduin now.
They are literally the same character at this point.
Thrall will never be human, he is only civil because of his upbringing.
Nah, Thrall is the mentor. Anduin is the student. What Anduin is going through is stuff Thrall went through in Lords of the Clans and Warcraft 3. They do have the same personality of trying to be diplomats and healing his people and himself though.
I think that is the mirror of Horde and Alliance. Thrall had a student with Garrosh who acted more like Varian and Varian had a son who is more like Thrall.
Thrall’s lover’s quarrel with the elements is a mirror image of Anduin’s struggle with the light. Thrall is an older and greener Anduin that exists only to advance the story of Anduin.
Well mostly because we already got Thrall’s story. It is Anduin’s turn now. I Mean, thrall had a whole game, books, vanilla, BC, Cata and MOP for his story.
Anduin literally is just hitting his stride. Thrall is the old Uncle now with his own family. Dude is kinda just tired now. How many times is he going to save the world and his people? We lucky he is back at all, I would have F’d off long ago.
He literally wanted peace with the alliance since he left the camp.
That’s his entire story and his entire goal.
He just never got the chance till now due too both actions by horde n alliances.
Like garrosh instigating wars n aggression, varian pushing too claim territory that was lost to the alliance n so on.
That would have been a smart way to avoid the complaints over him being turned into another Alliance-advancing plot device.
The people who complain about that never truly understood his character. He was always about the humans and orc becoming one. That was the whole shtick of his. He was Green Moses, uniting his people and making peace with those who wanted it.
Thrall is not Garrosh.