The alliance story is seriously annoying

is going to be hard be the hero after burning a tree full of civilians.

but i honestly have no idea what the hell blizzard was trying to do with the post raid dialogue.

its not imagination, it is what we are directly being told after the raid. that the horde is losing on all fronts

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[Removed for toxicity. - Forum Moderator]

Alliance is TOLD about their victories.
Horde is SHOWN their victories.

What the Alliance is actually shown is Battle for Dazaralor which is a massive Horde fanfare.
Alliance does nothing and gets nothing.
Our greatest accomplishement was the intro cinematic to the raid.


Where are these battles even mentioned at? Not the war table and not anywhere in the dialogue. Nathanos just sits there and goes oh and by the way guys I know that it may be a bad time to mention this but I’m a grossly incompetent military tactian and we’ve been losing pretty bad since day one but I kept this from you all because I didnt want it to effect your high opinions of me

Battle for Dazar’alor ends with destruction of the majority of the Golden Fleet and death of Rastakhan, it’s decisive Alliance victory.

They also said this in one interview.

Balance of power is supposedly restored with this raid but it’s bit awkward because we got said that Horde is losing. So that makes Horde losing is default state? Anyway, It’s not gonna last long.


without a doubt, sylvanas’s next plan is the xal’s former dagger awakening which will probably happen in 8.2

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In 8.1, we are told that the Horde is weeks from losing the war. Then the Alliance tricks the stupid Horde into getting divided and conquered, and wreckingballs them with basically zero losses other than Mekkatorque taking a 1 patch nap.

I don’t see the balance of power. :smiley:


i can’t believe that they think that lordaeron and dazarlazor are alliance victories as “payback” for teldrassil when they literally created the situation where we were destined to fail.

“cut the bonds with the zandalari” dude… they are a playable faction OF COURSE that isn’t going to happen, why not just say “final objective, capture or kill rasthakan” and that’s it.

not even speaking of the post raid nonsense just… christ.


We invade darkshore we fight with honor even evacuating civilians and refusing to kill stormrage. Windrunner is the one that burns the tree down so again we get it I think we can all agree no one likes windrunner

Yeah Windrunner.

All alone with her little torch as if the entirety of the Horde wasn’t behind her.
But you know who needs to die? Rastakhan thats who.

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Dude she literally does that after saurfang returns without malfurion’s head. We are punished for being honorable what kind of crap is that?

Ah yes.
The terrible thing that happened was that the Horde was unable to win even harder. Such a tragedy.

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i have seen quite a few players like windrunner.


you do understand if thrall was here, this conflict wouldn’t be happening, correct?


Because they are.

Because they are

“We killed your father, your friends, your apprentice, and everyone else in your city. Get over it already” - Said by the totally not evil Horde.

What was so interesting about Rastakhan? Exactly?

The Horde’s faction development has been slowly getting more evil over time. Even when Thrall was Warcheif, the Horde had to fight itself over the Demon Blood (With the aid of Jaina, mind you) and still had Sylvanas doing all sorts of evil things.

This has literally been your faction since day one. Get over it.


You literally walked In to the capital of one of the most powerful empires in the entire world and killed their king without losing anyone and ending the faction(still not sure how) and somehow you’re STILL upset. Is it not enough the other half of the player base has to play super villian to make your faction look like the eternal heroes of the game? What would you like to see prehaps you’d like to capture org or thunder bluff and have the other faction do an internment camps verison of farm will next expansion where we grind gold and mats for you


They havn’t been very powerful since Azshara delivered one of the most embarrassing defeats in their history. Hell, this wouldn’t even be the first time they have lost to the PCs. Zandalar has been declining for thousands of years.


So powerful that they dont have houses?

Lol. Why do we even need to kill him?
He is nothing to us.

Because we don’t?

Oh you mean be the punching bags so we can explore the Horde epic quest of self discovery?
Two epic cinematics about Saurfang isnt enough for you?

No how about we attack the Horde instead of Vulperans or Zandalari?
Oh but of course make your little strawmen.
Yes yes. The Alliance want the tauren to be grounded beef for their burgers. Thats totally what the Alliance player base wants.

Because its either Tauren burgers or Zandalari raid that gets us no where and gives Horde players everything they want.


Its gotten to the point where whenever these strory-arc moments come out, all the wonderful cinematic just put me where I need to stop playing the game because I can’t enjoy it.

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Its Blizzard doubling down on the villain bat. It has to be completely clear that the Horde is evil and the Alliance is noble and good.