The alliance should have supported the Scarlet Brotherhood

And if I recall correctly, that lore comic was made years after the Scarlet Crusade had been villains in game. So naturally they’d paint the Crusade as being pretty bad.

Now if the Crusade was just a very anti-undead Lordaeron liberation force that Stormwind and the rest of the Alliance was secretly supporting because eff those deaders, that would have been great. Especially when people get inside Scarlet Monastery and see “Oh no these guys are actually nuts”.

But alas, “The whole world is infected because dreadlord is secretly in charge” was the angle they went.

Whoa there, do you want the Alliance to have narrative depth or something?! We can’t have that.

I just legitimately don’t care about “stealing trees” from night elves. The Night Elves certainly didn’t offer any trade deals with their special lumber harvesting methods. They made their own boat and now they have to sink in it.

The Alliance allying with the Scarlet Crusade would be a nice equivalent to the Horde allying with the Forsaken.

So the fact the night elves wouldn’t lend wisps to the orcs, they deserved to have their lands cut down and people murdered?

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So right after a giant war with the undead wiped out half of humanity killing a couple undead you dont know on the spot isnt supwr insane i dont think. In classic i dont think a single hillsbrad quest has you killing undead. Its all syndicate, murlocs and naga. Unless i missed a couple quests in my playthrough in which case please let me know.

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I was referencing the ganking, honestly. It’s a killing field out there I had to grind through my 20s in quest empty zones.

Now maybe that’s meta text becoming text but the place is so infamous for violence in PVP servers it feels odd to not mention that at all storywise.

The Alliance has had liasons with them. As I recall we have a scarlet member in the Cathedral. Besides, we had plenty of reason to fight and hate each other already back in Vanilla. 3 active battleground reasons to be precise.

This is how it actually is at first. There is a scarlet emissary in the cathedral of light in Stormwind, and he tells you to go visit his fellow brother in Desolace. You go to Desolace, kill some undead and then you head over to southshore for your journey to the monastery. However your contact in southshore turns out to be a defector and he tells you that the crusade is actually crazy.

The alliance were somewhat supporting the crusade until you get to that point.

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In many words, yes. The night elves could have offered assistance to the Orcs in harvesting trees in their non-destructive methods and could have worked out some trade in exchange.

What has happened to the Night Elves is the karmic backlash for their own hypocritical short-sighted history dating all the way back tot heir short-sighted views about the arcane to the exile of the Quel’dorei. and then putting themselves as the main Kalimdor beachead for the Alliance after Theramore was destroyed.

While I would rather things had turned out differently…; they truly do have only themselves to blame for the choices they made.

And before you chime in Amadis. It’s frequently easier for me to think in the Horde side point of view from a Horde avatar.

Pretty sure that the nelfs did offered help after the third war.

The orcs then decided to invade ashenvale anyway and probably was the reason why they joined the alliance in the first place.

It does not work that way. Wisps only listen to Kaldorei normally, as they generally only care about the well-being of the Kaldorei.

HOWEVER, There was a point in time a tenuous deal was formed with Thrall’s horde for lumber. Then Garrosh occurred, and he stomped said deal into the mud and under his direction the Horde went on an elf killing spree while clear cutting the forests.

A new one was never formally established under Vol’jin but lorewise lumbering ceased between MoP and BFA with Azshara being formally Ceded by the Darnassian government. Lumber operations went mostly to Azshara and the Kaldorei reclaimed all the land up to the Southfury River, they just never reflected this in game.

in BFA of course that uneasy truce came to an abrupt and bloody end and the Goblins went wild with shredders on the elf lands. So I do not get where you are coming from here.

You do realize the Orcs were only on Azeroth because Humans were taught magic by the exiled Elves, right? If anything, your implication is that the Night Elves should have executed them instead of exiled them after all, but were too soft to do so.

I’m not your stalker. You can post on whatever character you want, you don’t need anyone’s approval. I just pointed out that no one knows why you insist on posting on Drahliana. Clearly you can separate your personal point of view from your Night Elf character’s point of view, so doesn’t seem to add anything for you there, unlike on Arlessa.

Sadly, this wasn’t Garrosh, rather, the Night Elves stopped trading lumber to the Horde because of the Wrathgate incident. Garrosh simply decided to take instead of try to negotiate, but the Night Elves shouldn’t have cut off trade for something that wasn’t Orgrimmar’s fault in Northrend.

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Was this right after Wrathgate, or after the invasion of Undercity following it - including Varian’s declaration about Thrall and the Horde? That would make the anti-Horde-in-general tone make more sense, but it would also lead right into another common night elf complaint.

It was noted in The Shattering novel, so into the time after Arthas’ defeat and everyone was coming home from Northrend.

No. They could just sell lumber they’ve harvested with their special methods. They don’t have to give up their wisps at all. What?

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There is nothing to suggest this. Furthermore the exact reasons and how the Night Elves joined the Alliance is currently unknown.

the orcs invaded and killed their god, burned the tree and stealen their wood.
i think that we know why they joined.

We didn’t burn any trees in Warcraft 3. We were harvesting the lumber and the Night Elves took offence, which lead them to starting the conflict in War3… And this conflict that ended with Grom killing Cenarius.

Thus while a fair assumption, Blizzard has never officially went into how the Night Elves joined the Alliance. I actually expected them to cover it in Chronicle Volume 3 but instead they left out, while expanding a bit on the how Forsaken went Horde.

There was trade before the Wrathgate incident at least. Can’t say if that went all the way back to after Warcraft III. Can’t say we know it didn’t go all the way back then, either, though. But, in that of itself, is a suggestion.

This was super annoying.

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