The alliance should have supported the Scarlet Brotherhood

Or just say Onxyia arranged it because apparently the Blue Team can’t just do something stupid and hateful.


Despite how the fans feel about it, there hasn’t been much conflict over Lordaeron to my knowledge. A lot of it was over Hillsbrad and Arathi.


A) I don’t mean text box “You see years ago the Alliance did X” I’m talking about right now in the moment.

B) I remember questing in HIllsbrad as Alliance, seeing what was effectively the last human village past Arathi. Seeing the ruins of Southshore hurts. Not particularly the point I was making however.


Shouldn’t copy what makes the Horde “interesting.” Faction homogenization and all.


Well today I think the Forsaken and Alliance should be at odds for the same reasons any nations with resource rich disputed territories are at odds.

The racial differences would be more of an underlying issue making everyone more stubborn about the problem rather than the crux of it. Even if we did away with the factions entirely I’d presume an Undead wouldn’t want to ‘live’ in Stormwind for the same reason a human wouldn’t want to live in the Undercity.

But that’d be a story about nations failing to be reasonable because of border disputes and culture clash - which is apparently too relatable of a story for the setting.

I mean we have a few more relatable issues between races. For example the fundamental issue that has existed between Orcs and Kladorei has boiled down to a resource dispute, namely lumber. Because Orcs apparently do not possess the forethought to realize settling in a desert leaves one with very limited resource options… and clear cutting a neighboring country’s forestland might make them a little angry.

I always wondered about that. Like clearly the Kaldorei are making structures from wood. So, clearly they’ve a way of doing that in a way that doesn’t make trees sad. I vaguely remember making wisps haunt trees for wood is that how it’s managed?

If so is there no way they could teach the Horde how to do that?

And on the Orc’s side - look I’m not sure how far ecologically sustainable harvesting sciences have come in Orc society but surely they don’t have to go full bad guys from Ferngully for the supplies.


I think it might come from the Orcish heritage on Draenor going all the way back to Grond. They have… issues, with trees. Where they came from trees were the enemy, and nature’s hobby seemed to be to murder you in the most horrific way possible.

Wisps can accelerate the growth of trees, and can shape wood in general like it was clay. Most Kaldorei architecture? Those were grown/shaped with help from the wisps. However nature magic has limits, and Orcs do not seem to be willing to accept that. There is only so much energy in an area, and as such you can only accelerate things so much before you begin to degrade the entire ecosystem… eventually it will just collapse.


Or dark irons having shadowforge city as their racial hub.

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The scarlets didn’t start out that way though. The whole fanatical thinking came because of Balnazzar, and Balnazzar couldn’t put himself into a position of power to do that without getting rid of Alex Mograine.

I feel like what remained of the scarlets should’ve tried to join the alliance after wrath. Balnazzar was kicked back to the twisting nether following vanilla, and Mal’ganis was forced to retreat in wrath, leaving the scarlets without a dreadlord to make them crazy.

Instead blizzard decided to make it so that Balnazzar was never defeated, but decided that the illusion game was not worth it anymore and killed all of his followers in the eastern plaguelands and made them all undead.

Because reasons…

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Except the orcs did not settle is a desert. They had access to lumber but first Dalin Proudmour’s forces started cutting them down, and then a demon CC the remaining wood to increase tension with Thereamore.

From the bonus campaign, and circle of hatred

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You think?

Yeah, I think it will always be difficult for Orcs and Night Elves to bridge this cultural gap. One group has always venerated the forest as sacred. The other evolved on a planet where the forest literally wanted to kill you.


wasn’t the invasion of some lizards that burned the forest?

as for thread… that ship has sailed, what we need right now, is yrel joining with her lightbound.

she would be welcomed with open arms.

I would say that the Scarlet’s track record would make them more of a liability to the Alliance than anything; however, I can’t criticize them too much when the Forsaken never quite figured out that the best solution would be to just burn down the Monastery. Seems like a fairly obvious solution.

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Huh… now that you mention it I am sorta surprised they didn’t use the Monastery as a blight testing ground.

Because they would have come out of heerthglen and murdered them all

They weren’t just killing Forsaken or Scourge, they were killing everyone who did not fit into their cult.

Eh, if anything working with the Alliance would be antithetical(and vice versa) to the Scarlet Crusade. The Ashbringer comic mentions how even during Morgraine’s time the Crusade was racist.

Why would it be a liability to the alliance when the Forsaken were never proven to be one for the Horde?

This discussion is pointless though because Blizzard doesn’t understand how Stormwind would ally with the Scarlett’s while the dwarves could steer clear. Either all races support everything or support nothing, as if it’s the f*cking EU.