Gnomes are so cute. And they double as lawn ornaments in a pinch.
So been a lot of interesting replies, which I’ve gathered the main points below:
- Alliance is more about a well-oiled machine system and plays to a sense of discipline and rigidity.
- Great racials and mogs
- A strong focus on the ideas of Order, Light and righteous acts.
- The Alliance is just a mirror of us but with magic and fantasy
Then the unfortunately common and rather expected points:
- Horde is evil, so Alliance is better
- Indoor plumbing
- I don’t want to play among animal-like race concepts, so Alliance is better.
At the end of the day I really think it comes down to whatever you connect with. I want to be the elven sorceress in the adventure party alongside the drunken dwarf and boring human as we dungeon crawl and possibly merk some orcs and trolls.
I love the two sides to every story aspect, and even though I haven’t played Horse seriously in a long time, I’ll always have a respect in the different sides a single story can have.
If youre not sold on dwarves as they are, theres no selling you. By default theyre the best alliance race by about a million miles.
The next best (and i use that term very loosely) would have to be nelf–cos theyre savage af and also the only other race id play on the blue side seriously.
Comic relief is gnomes, which has novelty if you appreciate it.
Fat humans, if only for something different.
All the rest… well they suck.
Ironforge is pretty cozy when you have the ambience turned up high.
I’m honestly not a fan of either faction. I am a fan of the various races and cultures that make up either confederation, and they all have a lot to offer. If you cut yourself off of one half of the story, however, you’re missing out on a lot of perspective.
If yer buyin’, though, just remember: Alliance shiny, Horde spikey. Go where the property values don’t depreciate. I rent, so I don’t have to worry about it.
i got nothin
I play human for the best racial in the game (diplomacy). It reduces rep grind bs by 10%. No one will be able to convince me that any other racial perk is better.
Some one might have already said this I didn’t read every post but it comes down to for me is Mud huts for cities and questing hubs or real fortresses.
You play blood elf. Alliance races should be a relatively easy pill to swallow for you.
StormWind i mean cmon
imagine playing a blood elf and then saying you just don’t like any alliance races.
I don’t have to sell you on anything. We’re full.
Humans. Werewolves. Dwarves. Gnomes. Alien space goats, etc. Also obvious good guy choice… though the Alliance isn’t perfect the Horde has proven to be far worse. I mean it’s been run by Orcs from the very beginning whom are invaders to a planet not even theirs.
They’ve had notorious leaders that turned out to be psychopathic villains we had to fight in the story and are responsible for the Warlords and Shadowlands expansion being a thing. Control your damn leaders.
We also never practiced cannibalism, voodoo and blood drinking. Among the things we do practice that the Horde does not is personal hygiene.
The only thing I’m jealous about Horde players is they get to play as an actual bone-rotting zombie. If there ever comes a time where the factions truly don’t matter anymore, cross-cities and mailboxes, etc, I’m going to make a Forsaken.
Something smells amiss.
Hows that layout of the troll main city doing for you… why don’t we ask good old king rasti… what too soon? That was so 2 expansions ago.