The Alliance: Sell it to me

The Horde possess some of the great Shamans on it’s ranks, hence their Elemental culture is strong and well tied within some races like the Orcs, Mag’har Orcs from the Blackrock, Warsong, Frostwolf and Shadowmoon clans. Likely we do have the Taurens and the Darkspear and Zandalari Trolls.

Despite it, the Alliance is seem to be fiercely righteous and punishing towards the Fel and Dark Powers.

Not all the races and not everyone from the Stormwind society. Varian himself fought side by side with warlocks and didn’t show any kind of prejudice.

Likely, on the Alliance side we possess a strong connection to the Light. We are emboldoned by the Church of Light presence at the very center of Stormwind. Lorewisely, the Stormwind society possess many Clerics or Priests within their ranks. And for sure we are some of the most powerful Orders nowadays, as our High King, Anduin Lane Wrynn is one capable of doing even powerful that most of the other Priests don’t.

Also we do have an powerful legion of Paladins at our disposal that the Blood Knights of the Blood Elves surely wouldn’t wish to met on a battlefield.

Some of the most powerful mages who live today are also humans, like Jaina Proudmore, Archmage Modera and the Archmage Khadgar.
So our acknowledge of the Arcane powers could beat even the Sin’dorei.

To end this conversation we have the most powerful Druid at our side, and the connection of the Night Elves to the Nature is unbeatable. The Taurens are also a great ally, but Darnassus were someday setted on a tree, and it’s whole civilization like to live near at some kind of green and animal beings.

Actually, the Dwarven and Night Elven races produces a lethal contigent of Hunters and Shamans and Sentinels and Priests, respectively.

The Dwarvens have the Dark Iron, Wildhammer (by far my favorite clan) and Bronzebeard clans, which one producing powerful Priests or Hunters, or Shamans or Warriors that the Alliance could count on.

The Alliance is supreme.


they look great in armor. that’s all that’s needed.

there’s not a single horde race that looks good in xmog.


The alliance is infact “self-righteous and unengaging” because we dont have crazy leaders who use us to wage wars like the horde do every other 2 or 3 expansions. We are not the bullies in any situation, we are the defenders who use self-defense or cops who respond to any given scenario, whereas the horde are the criminals committing crimes and making the first move. If you dont like that, stay horde and continue being war criminals cause you find that more fun.


Because the Horde needs more Alliance to sign up for pvp. Get to it. I’m sure there’s some kind of storyline or lore lurking about in AV or WSG.


Alliance has the superior elves and goats. We need nothing else to convince.


Except on my server I get the WM bonus and the BG bonus lol.

As for race. I’d pick humans or void elves because of (insert shallow reasoning); I enjoy how my transmogs look…

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


Have you seen the horde?
Most of them dont have shoes


You built your capital in the desert from a pile of scraps.
And it was sacked, twice.


And troll was able to burn stormwind with a single torch


gnomes gnomes gnomes gnomes and gnomes


You can enter the Goldshire Inn without fear of judgement. It’s a truly immersive experience that will leave you wanting more.

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I do female pally in Classic BE in TBC and in Wrath.

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Me! Ulexander Underson! And me Underson Ale.


Dreanei- dreanor, wod AU dreanor, argus.

Void elves. Spaaaaaace!

Dreanei take righteous to a whole new level and do it well. Honestly, void elves don’t belong in the alliance at all. We are just here to provide Anethema for the blood elves. And how void elves haven’t come to blows with either the high elves, night elves, or drenai is beyond me…

They could be good friends with the nightborne. And I see that working well.

Otherwise the scarlet crusade and dark iron, Mioras story is all the alliance has that is any good…

The alliance in general are The Soulless Minions of Orthodoxy… or at least their leaders are lol.

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As a former Horde player since 2005 (switched to Alliance right before DF) I can tell you that the Horde isn’t what it once was. All the new and allied races have diluted the faction. I love the original 4 Horde races from vanilla, felt like a group of misfits banding together to survive. Can’t say it feels the same anymore with all the elves and furries among the ranks now.

The Alliance just feels more comfortable for me to play now. I love Stormwind, it’s vastly superior to Org (pre Cata Org was great though). Human, Night Elf, Dwarf/DI Dwarf are all bad@$$ and worthy to main.

Don’t care much for draeni or gnomes, but it’s better than a fox race who literally came out of nowhere and sure as heck don’t belong in the Horde.

Mostly, I just wanted a change of scenery and to play something fresh after playing Horde for so many years. Alliance is refreshing

EDIT: In my PERSONAL experience, I find Alliance players to be more chill and way less elitist than Horde players.



you’re welcome.


The fact that it’s not evil like the Horde is.


I enjoyed the Alliance campaign in BfA significantly more, I would offer to explore that chunk of content and you’ll get a neat horse mount.

(to unlock these faction mounts, you’ll need to complete the campaigns on both factions)

  • Blood Elf

Well we got westfall stew, an plenty of land to settle in.

Got plenty of gnolls, kobolds, an some random orcs to kill.

The bandits are always an issue, but most are just thugs from old defias gang

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