The Alliance Really Really REALLY Doesn't Want To Win The War

He’s the most important member of the leader delegation. He didn’t deign leave Warfang, hence why Sylvanas had to accommodate to Warfang in order to ensure his presence.

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Well the whole sequence is phased to be separate from regular Warfang, with all the named NPCs, they really could have relocated him.

and then derek is immediately sent to calia as he is not able to return home where he could do damage. we know jaina survives taking him to calia, because she appears later in 8.2, we know katherine and tandred won’t die because katherine is in the homeland where he can’t return and tandred is on his new ship.

It’s just a meme like the russian hackers of Trump or reptillian zuckerberg

I remind you the alliance is being lead by a man with no military experiance who is also a humanitarian. You guys have worse war leadership then the Confederacy, and Jefferson Davis was one of the worst war leaders in human history.

Part of it too may have just been their desire to make sure everyone sees the cinematics.

That’s what delegation is for and why Anduin isn’t the one who plans the attack on Zandalar in the raid. An attack that leaves Rhastakhan dead and the Zandalari fleet in tatters while the only real consequence for the Alliance is Mekkatorque is put on a bus until he gets made into a cyborg in a couple patches for the new cyborg gnome allied race we’re probably getting.

So…you may not want to criticize the Alliance’s war leadership too much.

Mate I could find a few for you that would blow your mind…

I said one of the worst, not the worst, but since im a huge nerd for history, lay em on me!

One of my favorites is publius varus of ancient rome. Held his position through nepotism alone. Led his men into a heavily forested area where they were ambushed by hundreds of screaming hari germanic tribesmen. Committed suicide and left his troops leaderless.

General santa anna let his troops into a canyon where they literally couldnt march at more than two men abreast. Which let Texan rebels stand at the tops of the canyon and fire down into it. He also infamously lost to general Houston in twelve minutes in his final battle. He was found hiding in a swamp in a privates uniform.

Arthur Percival of england I believe(?) Maybe Ireland, is a pretty fun one. Responsible for the biggest surrender of British forces ever to the japanese in the Pacific theater. Though some historians think he was dealt a bad hand.

Just a few goof balls.


Custer died of being a moron. He really wanted to catch the indian army he was chasing, so he split his army into smaller groups and sent them in all directions. So his splinter could move faster he left behind all his artillery and MACHINE GUNS. When he finally saw a small group of indians he charged after them, and lead his splinter into the middle of many hidden trenches filled with indians.

Poland gets hated on a lot for no reason, but WW2 wasn’t their finest hour. They had the world’s largest and best trained horse cavalry. There are lots of horrible pictures online of how it did against the German tank blitzkrieg. It took Germany less than a month to completely wipe out their army which was geared to fight a pre-WW1 war.

Paraguay’s dictator invaded Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay (all of which were stronger than it) at the same time in 1864. Much like Theramore attacking all it’s neighbors they were immediately destroyed. So many men died that the Vatican legalized polygamy for Paraguay so the country wouldn’t disappear in a single generation due to it being only women.