The Alliance Really Really REALLY Doesn't Want To Win The War

The Alliance finds out long before hand that every single Horde leader is going to be hanging out in the middle of Kul Tiras. Their response is “quietly listen to them, and maybe we can learn something!”. It’s not “surround them with this army of assassins and take as many of them as you can out” or “nuke them from space with the Vindicaar” or “carpet bomb them with our airforce” or “have the tidesages tsunami them”.

WTF is the Alliance even doing at this point?


I wondered the same thing the other day when I was doing the Alliance Stormsong Valley invasion where we just fly over Warfang on a gryphon and bomb the crap out of it.


The Horde must REALLY want to lose also - having this little tea party in Kul Tiras of all places.

I guess the conference room in Orgrimmar or Dazar’Alor was already taken?

Looks like both sides are pretty stupid.


They have to make sure they maintain that extreme moral high ground at all costs. Can’t have the Alliance potentially do something like fight a war they’re already engaged in.


“If you kill your enemies, they win!” - J. Proudmoore


I’m trying to suspend my disbelief that the Alliance is putting forth their “A-game” and actually trying to win this war.

Its not working.


Them: “Go spy on literally every Horde leader standing in the same place, within striking distance of our armies, in friendly territory.”

Me: “… You know, I could take a few ships, not even that many, just a few…and this war could be over immediately. Dont even have to kill them, just blow their ships up, leaving them nowhere to escape to, then surround them and let them inevitably give u-”

Them: “Just… Let US do the thinking okay?”

Me: “But you suck at it…”

Suddenly my next War Campaign Mission apparently involves going to Outland and hurling myself down the side of the Blade’s Edge Mountains while Wyrmbane “supervises” (laughs)…

On my Horde Alt:
Me: “You know, we could have done this in Orgrimmar… I mean, now you have to transport Baine all the way back to Kalimdor… Literally any Dwarf joyriding on his gryphon could see us…”

Sylvanas: “Arrest him too.”


Gee, that sounds awfully familiar… Did Varian tutor you in tactics and strategy too?


The same as the Horde, being written by Blizzard.


“Before I was distracted, I was able to find out more about this Horde gathering. Sylvanas has summoned the leaders of the Horde and its allies. For what purpose, I cannot say. We aren’t in a position to strike her down–she is too well-protected. But perhaps we can learn something that will prove useful in the ongoing war. Keep your head low and take a look. I’ll keep an eye out for more guards.”

My guess is there isn’t time to go get reinforcements, and that by the time you could return with them, the horde leaders would have dispersed.

From the sound of the quest it’s ‘go spy on this meeting that’s about to happen’ not ‘the Horde are settled in for a picnic and will patiently wait for a strike force to show up here.’


I can agree with that. With a war on multiple continents and running low on soldiers (lower after Nazmir), the Alliance would be having a rough time with quick deployment of large groups.

I do, however, still raise my point that I’m standing in Boralus… known for having lots of fun blow-stuff-up boats… just take a few and blast the Horde Leaders’ Ubers out of the water so they’re stuck in Stormsong and then waiting for reinforcements isnt much of a problem because they arent going anywhere without a portal mage anyway.

… Or… if we were to realize Sylvanas would do it to us in a heartbeat… send one bloody Dwarf on a gryphon to drop some grenades on them and be done with it.


If I’m reading the site right it looks like this quest starts in Stormsong and only ends in Boralus. If you were already in Boralus I’d agree, but if you’re up north in Stormsong there may not be time to actually send for reinforcements before the leaders disperse.

What I DO take issue with is the ‘oh we’d be such bad people if we pushed our advantage to win the war now’ stuff after the raid.

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I was totally confused as to why that meeting was taking place in the middle of a war zone in an enemy nation, of all places. I tried to find an explanation but couldn’t. Did I miss something?


Most plausible explanation is Sylvanas wanted to really sell the “Derek isn’t mind controlled, totally trust the gift Baine sacrificed himself to give you!”

Or BFA has horrible writers. Either works.

If only the Alliance had…Tidesages or something in Stormsong who could disable or destroy the Horde ships…


Anduin said it himself in the Saurfang’s Shawshank Redemption trailer: We’re fighting for “peace” and “peace” means removing Sylvanas from power and leaving the other Horde leaders alone despite them all being complicit in Sylvanas’ attack on Teldrassil and it’s aftermath.



To be fair, if I were in the Alliance’s shoes I wouldn’t want to win either. Just dealing with the Orc encampments was a logistical nightmare that caused the first incarnation of the Alliance to crumble, imagine what trying to manage all the races of the Horde in anything approaching a moral or humane fashion would do to them now… Especially with such fresh and extreme grievances as held by the Night Elves and the Zandalari.

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Yeah, that the true reason. If we would have done something and killed the Horde leaders, Anduin would be really mad at us. Plus, we would have just ended up killing every Horde leader except Sylvanas, who would have totally banshee formed away at the sound of the first bomb dropping.

The Alliance MO is still just removing Sylvanas and not dismantling the Horde. Which isn’t actually a bad idea considering they’ll need the Horde to help fight against all the other threats that are on the horizon.

Or if you were just a little smart (which is debatable from your comment), you’d realize it’s a great place to hold a “tea party.” Sylvanas basically put on a show for the Alliance to show them that she found out about Baine’s betrayal and jailed him. That she’s really really upset and angry that she couldn’t use Derek :blush:.

I mean Sylvanas already knows Baine is super honourable and brave that he was willing to almost die for Saurfang (almost) at the Undercity. Baine also made a super honourable comment at King Rastakhan’s funeral about how the Horde shouldn’t think about revenge after Sylvanas said something about how the Alliance needs to pay for what they did. This was of course after the Alliance rampaged through Zuldazar, killed tons of civilians, the Horde defending the port and of course the King of the Zandalari.

And finally, there is a reason why Nathanos tells our player characters to follow along with Baine’s plan even after we tell him everything. How else would the Horde have sent Derek to the Alliance? Thank you Baine!

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I am sure Anduin Trudeau shares the same oppinion. I want emperor Illidan Stormrage commanding the alliance with his illidari as his police force


Coughs in Sky Admiral Rogers