The Alliance Really Really REALLY Doesn't Want To Win The War

I said fresh grievances.


I think you’re confusing blizzard storytelling for what should logically occur.

This is probably a mistake, unfortunately.

Oh she’s kept it very fresh. Also WoW moves very quickly, so Cata could very well be considered actually fresh depending on who you ask.

Eh I think it’s more about ending Sylvanas than defeating the Horde at this point.

Although I’m sure she will save us all in the end in some fairy tale ending.


I don’t get this reference, at all. I mean, I’m Canadian, and I assume it’s a Justin Trudeau reference, and not a Pierre Trudeau reference, but I have no idea what it’s supposed to imply about Anduin.


The quote “if you kill your enemies, they win.” Is attributed to Justin Trudeau. This sudden bout of irrational peaceniking by Jaina is playing off that quote.

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Oh, okay.

Though, in the interest of truthfulness, that’s a made-up quote. There is zero evidence that he actually said that or anything like it.


If the Alliance does anything remotely grey (logical) it’s pounced on by players. If the Alliance acts nice (stupid) it’s pounced on by players.


It was probably made up in response to some of his military decisions. Some have been rather… poor in the name of idealism.

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Killing every single horde leader would basically backfire in monumental way. When you talk to everyone of the faction leaders they are all against the forsaken horde except the mag’thar. Killing even one of them would probably bring them back to windrunner’s side. Besides if we are being completely honest the night borne could just telemancy a raid team into the harbors of kul’tiras and burn the fleet.

Because people are just looking for memes.

This one honest isn’t that complicated.

  1. The Horde has mages including the leader of the Nightborne, which could evacuate the Horde leaders rather quickly.

  2. Attacking them all together would push them to seeing Slyvanas as right, and Alliance wants to believe this is totally Garrosh 2.0 where you can remove one person and their loyalists and problem is solved.

  3. Attacking could very well seem like an obvious trap, since the Horde version of the Invasion ends with the Horde flanking the invading army.

Because she needs to put on a show in order for the Alliance to find out about Baine being arrested, right? Especially when at the start of the expansion she preferred holding war council meetings in Undercity instead of Orgrimmar because the capital is crawling with SI:7 spies (and she knows it).

Sounds like a great reason to leave your entire leadership exposed and open to a decapitation strike that would put an immediate end to the war.

Derek isn’t a sleeper agent. Remember when everyone here was speculating that there was no way that Sylvannas was the one who would set fire to Teldrassil? The mental gymnastics were on full display and speculation was rampant. Everyone was thinking Blizzard would give us the narrative equivalent of a 12-course french banquet, and instead they served up some microwaved french fries. Blizzard simply doesn’t do the kind of multi-layered cloak & dagger storytelling you’re fabricating in your head.

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They’re already on her side. They quietly have misgivings that they keep to themselves, but they’re still all in with the war effort. It’s not like the non-Forsaken Horde races have been peacefully sitting on the sidelines this whole time.

To be fair some of that was because of Blizzard themselves being coy about what happened instead of just admitting the answer was as obvious as it seemed. So it wasn’t that outlandish if people thought a third party might be responsible in order to fan the flames of war or something.

Though I did get a good laugh out of the people suggesting that Sylvanas was burning the tree because it got corrupted again and she had to save Azeroth.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the Alliance have no idea what was going on there? All you knew was that there was some kind of meeting possible from weeks old letters, Shaw/Kelsey were sent, they didn’t report in, and you were sent to find out why. You only find out the leaders are there when you go rescue Shaw.

Granted Stormsong Valley isn’t the best place for a meeting, but it wasn’t like the Alliance had a ton of advance notice about the leaders all being there.

Fair point, but on the other hand we all know Blizzard has no qualms about lying to the playerbase. It’s not like they didn’t do it in regards to the last Warchiefs who was turned into a cartoon supervillain.

Fool me one… shame on… shame on … you? Fool me, can’t get fooled again!

The whole meeting thing I can forgive. The Alliance didn’t know they’d all be showing up there. Something vague was happening out at Warfrang Hold. Scouting was done, scouts were intercepted, the player shows up, and by the time the meeting’s occurring, about the only thing they’re in position to do is sit back and watch.

What I do find ridiculous is that Warfang Hold exists at all still. Most of the incursions are small camps and the like that get by through stealth and good positioning, but Warfang Hold is pretty much a dagger at the heart of Stormsong Valley. The Horde already unleashed one outright assault from there. You’d think that now that the Kul Tiran navy is on-side with the Alliance they’d have taken a minute to sail around the coast, blockade it, cut it off from the rest of the Horde, and then pick it apart.

I suppose that you could argue that it still exists because that would be a bit of a hassle, and after questing most of its infrastructure, forces, and importance were wiped out anyway, and it would be a waste of resources to finish the job? But that’s still weird.


I should get into a random gryphon and “rain down some destructions”. The Alliance leadership is a combination of the most idiotic person on Azeroth.

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The one thing I want to know from the Horde meeting where Baine gets arrested… Is Androk, the Warfang Cooking Vendor, someone else in disguise? He’s standing there around the same fire as everyone else, an NPC among all the Leaders.