The Alliance of Azeroth is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron

Great, then the current alliance is responsible for the internment camps and gladiatorial slavery.

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We’re both guilty of this one. Does Logash ring any bells for you?


Thought there were war drums and horns in Logash and not bells… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Pridefully. The internment camps were the humanitarian route.


That was behind Thrall’s back.

They need to have a minimum trust level for starting new threads.


It still happened. The fact Thrall didn’t know it was happening doesn’t shine his time as Warchief in a good light.

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So you’re saying we can blame the alliance for literally everything bad thats ever happened in the wow universe then?

Thanks for admitting you’re responsible for literally everything bad thats ever happened in the wow universe



We can’t be held responsible for the Sundering. That happened thousands of years before the Alliance existed.

No, what I think he’s arguing is that the alliance is responsible for all the good stuff except when it was completely indefensible in which case it was done by an unaffiliated treaty organization.


Nah dude, that was all Draenei and Night Elves doing

Them there are alliance

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Their applications for membership are still being processed, so technically they’re not members, yet.

”Hey, V Sauce, Michael here! We all know the Titans and their machinations weren’t part of the Alliance… or were they?”


I love Vsauce. Is it wrong I read that in Michael’s voice?


Who made most of the alliance races?


Titans, in your alliance?

It’s more likely than you think


Also for some reason Blom continuing to blom reminded me of this story I stumbled across in the RP forum that seems pertinent:

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I’m just waiting for the forum yeti to notice this one.

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Incompetence is preferable to malice.

So aside from how I’m picturing the ski free yeti running after the thread title, I think the more amazing thing is that Blom is even capable of posting on the forum at this point given his propensity for posting in the wrong forum, getting his posts flagged and threads sent to the maw.

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