The Alliance of Azeroth is the successor to the Alliance of Lordaeron

Nah dude, that was all Draenei and Night Elves doing

Them there are alliance

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Their applications for membership are still being processed, so technically they’re not members, yet.

”Hey, V Sauce, Michael here! We all know the Titans and their machinations weren’t part of the Alliance… or were they?”


I love Vsauce. Is it wrong I read that in Michael’s voice?


Who made most of the alliance races?


Titans, in your alliance?

It’s more likely than you think


Also for some reason Blom continuing to blom reminded me of this story I stumbled across in the RP forum that seems pertinent:

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I’m just waiting for the forum yeti to notice this one.

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Incompetence is preferable to malice.

So aside from how I’m picturing the ski free yeti running after the thread title, I think the more amazing thing is that Blom is even capable of posting on the forum at this point given his propensity for posting in the wrong forum, getting his posts flagged and threads sent to the maw.

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And the current Horde is responsible for the atrocities of the old Horde too.

Also why on earth was this thread reported? I’ve never posted this one before.

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Yea, the atrocities that happened because of the alliance

Darn shame the Draenei caused Varians death like that

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Maybe it’s because you’re engaging in obvious trolling. Did you ever think of that?

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“Everything I disagree with is trolling”

PS: Flagged post restored by staff.

Let’s stay on topic.

The Alliance is the successor to the old Alliance which does mean we are culpable for the internment camps I will admit but the Horde is also the successor to the old Horde which makes them culpable for the genocide of Draenei and invasion of Azeroth, etc.

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How are the current horde culpable for the draenei? Like, the majority of the orcs who would have been able to participate in that are either dead or in wheelchairs at this point. Christ, there are whole generations of orcs who have never even seen Draenor.

Also if you don’t want to be accused of trolling maybe you shouldn’t be posting in such an utterly aggro manner.


The newest Blomodoc thread.

Adding nothing new to the conversation.

The old Horde did not genocide the Draenei. That was just orcs?

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Also it was orcs who are mostly dead at this point; the only one I can think of who might be old enough to have participated in this and still breathing is Eitrigg?

Cuz yeah: the rest are dead as dicks.

Alliance has the highest Old God taint, too!



You forgot:

  • Quel’Thalas (Horde Member).

No, they are not. See Quel’Thalas.

Where is this being argued?
We stand by the argument that the alliance racist actions towards the Blood Elves drove them towards the horde, and that is why they didn’t even consider joining the “Alliance”.

Furthermore, seems a bit hypocritical of you to say that and at same time ignore the fact that the current Horde is also linked to the previous Horde when the argument favors you.

You stated that no Warchief ever died while having the Warchief Mantle, but you ignore:

  • Orgrim Doomhammer, died while Warchief
  • Blackhand, died while being Warchief
  • Ner’zhul, killed by Kil’Jaeden while still Warchief.

At same time, you hold the Horde accountable for everything that happened BEFORE the formation of the New Horde.

You’ve got to decide whether you stand correct or you’re an closeted troll.


Listen, it’s 2024… we don’t yuck each others yum.

So by all means get all up in the old god’s taint.


The post you’re referring to I specified during WoWs timeframe.

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