The Alliance is given everything

this is a satire post right?
the horde wins 90% of bgs and pvp in general, they get 3 battlegrounds they have an inate advantage on and even then the horde still wins about 40% of the time on those even with the advantage the alli get.

also they havnt really “won” any war. what happened was both factions have been even and they teamed up at various points and did a ceasefire. this is not a win this is a mutual surrender

a merge would also be the best thing for the game rn as it would double the current playerbase easily

You have to be trolling, how many years has it been since you have looked? The horde base placement allows them to get to points faster and the way the towers are set up, it makes it way harder to invade.


You’re biased.

Your entire post screams biased.


Faction merges would kill RP for me

Honestly kind of funny that you make such a strong case right here for why factions are bad. You don’t see this in many other games and it really hurts WoW in comparison.

Talking about WoW lore is miserable these days because you people turn everything into pseudo-politics.


faction merging would probably be the final straw to make me quit and never return, because at that point they would have fully stripped the “war” out of ‘warcraft’


Tribalism in general has seen a resurgence of late in the zeitgeist.

Am I supposed to like you? I was born in durnhold keep, my parents were killed by humans. Now I have to like them? They will never be forgiven. I hate the alliance. LORE WISE THEY ARE GIVEN EVERYTHING


Bias, bias, bias, nothing to even back that up. Your warchief, sylvanas, everything lorewise since WOTLK has been horde favored without question.

Hey, we solved our tribalism problem.

Well, mostly, the Dark Irons and Wildhammers still raid each other from time to time. Old habits and all that.

I really don’t understand how giving void elves peach and brown colored skin is making them into high elves. Or are you complaining about something else.

Correct me if I’m worng, but isn’t RP playing pretend? if that’s so, can’t you pretend the factions are not merged? (in the event that factions were to be merged, which won’t happen in the short run).

Alliance Bias Confirmed


Sad, salty little man.


Wasn’t conflict between the three clans kind of a blip in dwarven history anyway? Ya’ll had been getting along much longer than you were enemies, and even then the only real troublemaker of the bunch were the dark irons.

If you’re reaching the levels of resentment… I’d suggest you take a break from the game

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Up until the whole War of the Hammers thing, everyone was too drunk to care.

What history doesn’t tell you is the Great Ale Drought that led to the whole thing.

Dark times

Dark times

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I’m sure they’re devastated by this.