The AI in the brawl is laughable

They fail to prioritize targets and attack in unison, they filter into well defended bases 1 and 2 at a time in allowing themselves to be blown up, and simply leaving blacksmith uncaptured at the start will cause them to cluster there and allow you to capture the other 4 bases which they will filter into one and two at a time for the remainder of the game while idling at blacksmith.

Soooo… they play like the Alliance?


they do more dps than alliance, but don’t have the strategy to take x, y, z bases.

They attack you and deaggro like mobs also.

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It’s another warfront … this one gives free conquest like you get gear from warfronts.

No map strategy , random use of AoE spells instead of focusing on healers and ppl with low health . It’s a joke.

PS:- Blizz , please dump this and use the engineers to develop some other part of the game .