I see many posts complaining about how the AH and Trading are not “true” HC and only SSF (Solo Self Found) is the only way HC works.
Let’s just say…Get a Clue.
There is only ONE Rule in HC (Hard Core)…DONT DIE!
Sure, the AH and Trading MIGHT (Not WILL) make the journey easier, but it does not matter if you have 5 Gold or 500,000 Gold, wearing Rags or BIS Gear…
If you don’t know how to play your Class or make smarter decisions on your approach to a Quest/Mob/Dungeon ect and Die, all that Gold, Gear you bought ect ect won’t matter at all.
You say SSF is true Hardcore, well you may find your Gold/Gear ect at a slower pace than those who trade ect but if you die you still lose it all anyway so there is that.
SSF will also be a “Player Choice”, not a HC Official Rule (Unless Blizzard decides to release a server with such ruleset).
The average level people reach in HC is 13-15 before they die and you all think SSF will help you? https://preview.redd.it/z04xaqb5ik1b1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=52a8d082bd0a73647e229bd345ec22fdd42f148b
Blizzard made the right choice allowing Trade and the AH. It may make the journey a little more bearable but if you die the Flipside to those benefits is losing what you bought.
So either way…SSF or not. DYING is name of the Game NOT to do!
Blizzard made the right choice for their wallet. They know Classic Era is a botfest and they want those juicy subs.
Fact is official HC is only a thing because the of the popularity of the HC addon. So the sensible thing to do would be to keep the experience as close to the addon as possible.
Half a dozen complaints from an already thin margin of the playerbase which are forum users. Vs. Thousands of accounts buying millions of gold per day. The metrics are out there btw im not making these numbers up.
Its sad but its the truth, dad gamers cant be bothered to grind, they just want to buy the items they couldnt attain in their childhood
When I said game rules drive player behavior I was not wrong. Hope that you can work out how that is, and what I mean by it. That’s the end of this conversation; good luck.
You didnt say that im the entirety of this thread, but ok, and i even agree with you.
However the rules have to make sense otherwise people wont follow them.
Currently, by shear popularity, gold buying is accepted by both parties. Blizzard makes money, and players dont have to grind. Hell, even the few remaining GMs are getting a piece of the pie with bribes and are enjoying it.
Its an organic progression of how people want to play the game. Just like you, i dont enjoy it, but it is what it is.
Its not the players responsibility to follow the rules if they’re not enforced; its Blizzard’s responsibility to perma-ban any battlenet account that is caught violating the rules in any way. Doing so teaches the players not to cheat or break the rules in any way.
Confirming that thing I said a while back maybe a week ago saying that Modern Blizzard is more corrupt and has less integrity than old blizzard (even knowing the problems that plagued old blizzard)
Heck even the Private servers have better bot / cheat control (not a joke, not even a meme or a joke)
In any way? Thats a little extreme don’t you think. The should throw out temp bans on buyers and perma botters but there are alot of other rules that do not deserve perma bans. If they ban every rule breaker there would be noone playing.