The addon called GSE

I saw a streamer introduced this addon and I feel weird that it looked like an auto attack. I am trying to make sure if this addon really able to be used in game or not ? it is an addon called GSE, and the streamer mentioned Blizz alllowed to use it. are we really safe to use this addon?

Id email the video to and stay away from it to be safe.


It’s a macro addon.

7M downloads, been around almost 9 years. Blizz would have broken it long ago if they didn’t want it.

Editing to clarify I’m not stating that as a deterrent, but as a comment that it’s a face-value safe addon, and so far has not bothered Blizzard. As I’m reading their material, it still acts within the game’s ruleset for macros, just gives you a bit of freedom to not need individual macros for different abilities and can have a litany of different abilities in the same macro, and just checks off down the list once its off GCD.


Rember if blizzard doesnt like a addon they will break it but if it smells like automation dont risk it.


If the addon is working inside the tools that blizzard gives then it should be good to go. They will stop any addon they do not like, they have done that a number of times over the years.


That and addons are extremely restricted in what functions they have access to. It’s a real pain sometimes. On both the Vuhdo and Altoholic Discords, I keep hearing people told (in response to suggestions/requests) “that’s not possible to do within the WOW API, sorry”.


If it runs entirely within the blizzard defined Addon API/Sandbox, you’re fine.

If it managed to break out of that somehow, that’s where you run into problems.


TBF i dont use any addons aside from DBM and tomtom so it was a valid suggestion.