The account I'm on has been hacked!

I have no idea how I’m able to post this, but my current account has been hacked. This probably won’t go through. Can a Blizzard employee do something about this please? I’m unable to log in, and my email has been compromised! They changed my email, and I’ve been without my wow account for 72 hours. + This happened back in 2019 with another email I had, you all can verify it just incase.
The person that was able to get into my account was using a false ID, which I’ve currently contacted the FTC, and put in an IC3 complaint in order to hopefully find this person. I’d like to contact law enforcement as well, because they’ve been impersonating me to get into my account! Who knows what else they have access too!

If you think your account has been hacked, follow the steps below to regain access to your account and prevent future compromises.

  1. Secure your computer to avoid being hacked again after you’ve regained access.
  2. Once you’ve secured your computer, submit a ticket to recover your account.
  3. While Customer Support reviews your case and restores access to your account, review the following common methods hackers use to steal your account.

After reviewing your case, Customer Support will ask you to add a Authenticator. The Authenticator is the best security feature to keep your account safe from hackers.


  1. My computer is secure.
  2. I submitted four tickets 72 hours ago, no response.
  3. I’ve had an authenticator since they made them.
  4. They can hack the account using a false ID, and knowing my email.

Best thing to do is to use an email address that is ONLY for Battle Net and never use it for anything else (nor give it out to any other entity).


This is my original post:

I’ve been a customer of Blizzard Entertainment for nearly 18 years, but I fear that their may have been a data breach on their part and they’ve failed to protect their customers. I for one have been negatively impacted by this data-breach, and they’ve proven unwilling to do anything about it. This isn’t about gaming, or my gaming accounts, this is about personal safety and my privacy which they’ve failed to protect.
Let me explain how the data-breach happens. Originally, on my account, I had a complex password: Ex: 317YTVG100B_+XT_4ZDHJP, which I wrote down in my physical journal. I had a Blizzard Authenticator which would safeguard the account as an addition to my complex password. Next you would need to have a security question, which I turned into another password, instead of actually answering the question, example posted above. Thereafter we need to have a secure email account, with a secure password, and a google authenticator posted on it. Followed by a secure home wifi password (Changed at home) that’s changed every two weeks, along with the email password on a separate computer, in a different (safe) wifi all-together, which is something I’ve done for the last year. With all safety precautions in order, a hacker only requires two things to enter a account: The email your account ( is associated with, and your name. All it takes is someone to create a fake ID, and send that in, followed by the: “I forgot my email,” button on Blizzard’s website. Once they have that, a Game-Master (Blizzard Employee) simply sends them the account reset information, and the hacker is in!
My account which has had this ongoing issue for years, has had my account CC info, & ID saved into their (Blizzard Employee) data logs, which should easily prove who’s the real person + the same phone number SMS that has been attached to the account for the last 18 years (I’ve never changed it). Unfortunately Blizzard employees fail to look back on the logs to verify account ownership details, and simply send that account information to the hacker, which now has access to my personal data: Phone Number, Email, Address, CC info, and nearly $10,000 worth of virtual items / currency. Blizzard Entertainment may say that personal information is hidden, but hackers are always one-step closer to safeguarding that information (mine), for themselves.
I personally feel violated and disgusted that Blizzard Entertainment has failed to protect their consumers, and adequately offer a response in an appropriate, timely manner. I’ve contacted them 72 hours ago about my security concern, and I have yet to hear from them. Lastly, I fear that my own personal security is at risk, and they’re unwilling to help me. So I’ve turned to the FTC to investigate this, hoping that they will do one of three things:
#1. Return my stolen items back to me.
#2. Ensure the safety of ALL Blizzard current / future customers.
#3. Improve on their poor customer service skills, and find ways to safeguard against future data-leaks / breaches.

A great way to do so would be to add an SMS pin that would be needed to log into the account, or to retrieve information.

Posted it on Reddit.

You really only need to submit one ticket. Though you can keep it updated with more info if needed. What ticket category did you use?


Account Hacked, then I chose: “Forgot Email, xyz.” Something along those lines, that’s because the hacker was able to change the email with a webticket, by submitting a fake ID. I specifically had this issue last year, and the GM said that they were trying to submit a fake ID.

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Then you recently fell for a phishing scam, or you and the hacker both have a form of legitimate government ID that is convincing enough to allow them to claim that you are the hacker.

4?!?! Just one. You only need one. That’s going to cause further confusion.

Understand that there has been no data breach on Blizzard’s end allowing access to accounts. If there had been, we’d all have been notified of the breach (legally) and these forums would be on fire.

Unfortunately, if the hacker got access to your ID or name or password or email, that’s all your responsibility to keep safe. They didn’t get it from Blizz.


I hardly check my email, nor do I click on any links. No way I would have fallen for a phishing scam at all.

They were originally able to get the information via my Facebook page, because I use to post on my facebook about my wow stuff to my friends. They may have made the fake ID through that + my linkedin + other business pages I’ve had.

I’ve had this account for 18 years, and will fight tooth and nail to protect it. I’ve already contacted law enforcement, made an FTC report, put in an IC3 report, and am pursuing legal action against whoever is impersonating me. Which is against the law, obviously.

Yes, that’s very likely that you provided too much info online and now someone is trying to hack the account.

But that’s still not a Blizz security breach.

You need to make a while new email address, with an authenticator on that email, new passwords and I would still recommend doing a fresh sweep of your PC for malicious software.


I already did that three times. I’ve never shared those emails, and even made a new PC 6 months ago. The Data breach comes in when Blizzard gives them the information, when they specifically stated in 2019 they’ll keep a close eye on it, and have my ID, phone number, and so on from 18 years ago.

Blizz isn’t giving them any information. That’s not how it works. You’ll need to wait on your ticket(s) and hope that Blizz doesn’t see this as you not keeping your account secure.

There was a thread recently where Blizz chose to close an account as they felt it had been “sold” so many times Har the original account holder could no longer be verified.

Edit to add that Blizz doesn’t store your ID. They don’t have a copy of it at all. If they request it, they look at it and once verified, it gets deleted.


My personal information is on my account, with my credit card information. I’d rather have the account close, then that get into a hackers hands, but if they did that-I’d boycott the company outright. 18 years of life, fun, and memories down the drain.

They also said that they’d make notes and store that information for future notice.

I don’t even know how I’m replying to you, when the account that I’m posting on is one I can’t even log into.

It’s likely because the account is still logged into the forums.

Here’s hoping that despite the outcome, you take greater care of your account info in the future. Blizz didn’t give any of your info or login details away. That would have been a security lapse on your end at some point, perhaps via Facebook.

This is why we as players are responsible for our own account security as Blizz can’t stop us from providing it in other places.

Best of luck with your ticket.


Ma’m, I am extremely paranoid when it comes to any form of account safety. There is no way in hell I would give out even a single ounce of information to anyone. Especially since I was hardly playing this last month due to work. So, speaking of which-how in the hell could they hack this account?
I see my email Issue ID: #85110128 made by the hacker, getting information from a Blizzard employee to reset the email and password.

I have not heard this asked, so I am going to ask. Did you receive a ticket ID with any of the tickets you put in?

This is how I would handle this, personally.

Despite your emphatic insistence that the system is completely 100% secure, make sure anyway. Then make sure again, and then one more time, with multiple antivirus etc.

Create a brand new email. Make it complete nonsense name if you want. Preferably from a computer completely removed from your network that you game on, like your cell phone on mobile data.

Create a BRAND NEW battle net account.

Submit your ticket from THAT account. Reference your compromised account. Keep it short, keep it simple. Too much information is indeed capable of muddying the waters.

Since the bnet account is completely removed from any compromise, AFTER triple and quadruple checking the system, and then removing the system entirely from the equation, there should be no reason to suspect any sort of ticket has been submitted and thusly effort to compromise THAT email as well.

Make sure you get a ticket number, if you did not get a confirmation with a ticket number starting i think USblahblahblah your ticket never went through.

Best of luck in getting this resolved.


Uh, you’re the one that mentioned posting too much info on Facebook?

I’m a player just like you. I don’t have access to ticket info or any sort of details like that.

At the end of the day, Blizz hasn’t been hacked. Your account info was however, gotten by someone who wants to steal the account.


Alright, thank you I will.

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If the ticket doesn’t go through, try typing just the world “test” and submitting it. It should go through and then you can edit the ticket with the pertinent information.

There’s some sort of bug happening that causes tickets to not actually be submitted. Using the “test” method seems to work for now at least, from what I’ve heard.