The 5 node maps are bad (bg blitz)

I think MMR has been getting a lot better. I was getting this in every game at 2k+ MMR at the start, people unable to do 10 mil damage/healing in a full length game, people sitting at inactive nodes, everyone having 0 awareness. Rating didn’t seem to mean anything

But now? I haven’t been in an eots with someone sitting at an inactive base in a while now. Could just be cause the game mode was new, but multiple people every game for weeks seemed odd for higher MMR. Took me all of 10 seconds to figure it out

The best part about blitz especially in eots is that there aren’t nearly as many conflict points . You have one node on either side and a flag.
That means that people can’t hide from engaging. No more “I’m gonna defend a node while I surf you tube”
This is going to be rated and therefore it’s going to be sweaty and people are gonna reach a choke point around 1500cr.
I personally think it’s fantastic. We have super fast mounts to get into combat quicker. The sooner people start going to gy the better off your team is. Like a really big arena match! This is for rated players not non-rated