The 25% damage increase was due to the top 0.1% of players

I was not here for this, but this sounds amusing. I want to learn more.

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No, it literally started after WOTLK. You dont get to make up your own sub count numbers lol.

Feel free to link them then.

Either way it doesn’t change my point.

It does. It was when Cata launch and tried to up the difficulty lol.

learn your wow history bro

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LOL if you think an imgur picture is actually credible.

On top of the fact that none of this is even relevant to the discussion

You do realize your previous comments can be read by all?


Thats not a suggestion. Its a statement.

It’s literally the subscriber counts from Vivendi and ATVI Blizzard. Which is legally required to be accurate (as they reported) because they are publicly traded companies. (Which is also why it stops at WOD – when they stopping reported sub count.)

At this point, I think you’re just another person who thinks themselves incapable of making mistakes – or a troll. In either case, have a day. :slight_smile:

Nope, its a graph on Imgur. Do you understand what credibility is?

You should probably stop thinking. I have no problem admitting when I make a mistake.

You are just deflecting because even if this were true its STILL irrelevant to my point and further proves my point if anything.

The company’s public numbers are pretty credible. :slight_smile:

Thats not what you linked. You linked a random bar graph from imgur.

If I link a picture of Danny DeVito, from a Danny DeVito fansite, you’d say that it’s not a picture of Danny DeVito.

Here is a gif of Danny DeVito. It’s from a show in which Danny DeVito is a co-star. The show has a bit of a cult following. Now, this gif may not be hosted on the show’s official website, but I assure you this person is Danny DeVito.

So, using this Danny DeVito analog, the fact it comes from imgur has no weight against the merit of facts. This is actually Danny DeVito. And those subscriber numbers were sourced from publicly available shareholder filings.

Depends how they determine that statistic and when they drew it.

If it was a number drawn from either classic or the mop or prior era, not surprising at all. Used to love pvp in this game.

Then link them from a credible source. Imgur is about as credible as wikipedia.

Mob health was unchanged…

That wasn’t just the top players experiencing that, though. That’s what I’m saying. If it’s something that just affects the top 1%, then there’s an underlying problem that needs to be solved without a blanket nerf that would be detrimental to the average player.

The change was because healers complained they didn’t have enough to heal and were angry people wanted them to dps in down time. So they made it so they now have to heal more.

And now in a couple weeks they are buffing all pve health/dmg 250% for further balancing.

Solo play was affected. My Ret pally could round up mobs and solo tank all day without dying and even world bosses. Now trash mobs gank me do to the fact my self heals suck now.

Your self heals were also buffed as Ret.

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