The 10.2.6 Content Update Arrives March 19

This will be fun, no matter the duration. And just like every internet thing, the small minority of objectors have come out to shine.

Keep doing you Blizzard, I see you putting in the effort.


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The pic looks like somewhere from BFA.

Hmmmā€¦ Interesting. PIRATES DAY CONFIRMED!?!

Well shiver me timbers and steal me booty ye sea dogs gonna walk da plank!

Or pirate theme events o:

Enough content to trigger half of forums.

And there are still people who celebrate and defend Blizzard for such actions. GG :sweat_smile:


Hey. You can always do the Superbloom event again.

TBH, while I appreciate the secrecy of the patch, I am hitting a fatigue on ā€œlimited timeā€ events, especially events that could easily be ongoing. This seems to be a ā€œpirate themedā€ event, and IMO was better placed in Septemberā€, ā€œwrappingā€ Speak Like A Pirate Day on the 19th.

As far as AotC, which I get removing the achievement, in proper years, Blizzard kept the mount rewards around afterwards, until the end of the expansion, and I want to get confirmation this remains true. And if it is either true or not true, this needs to be clearly identified.

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Iā€™m really waiting to see the content on offer before judging, the mage tower was also FOMO and yet greatly appreciated. I could be disappointed, but at least Iā€™ll have something to do while waiting for S4.

I cant read them all, but thanks for the laughs in the first 25-30 posts. The outrage was quite funny. :smile:

Terrible way to announce the date. The content better be good.

I was hoping it was something that would last like an Outlaw rework.

If you have ophidiophobia then to you a snake would represent fear, but it does not mean that the snake is fear. A snake is just a snake, the fear is yours.

A limited event is just a limited event, the fear of missing out is yours.

Isnt that pic the arena in Kul-Tiras where you fight that turtle pirate and that ogre with sharks for weapons?

checks calendar. Nope not April Fools ā€¦ So this was a for real update post??

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Good going blizzard youā€™ve been holding out on your content creators for weeks and you canā€™t even get this announcement out in the same time frame that you got literally every other announcement in the entire expansion. these people are the best advertising you will never have to pay. Maybe you should respect their time.

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another time limited event and this current one is so buggy some people will never be able to complete it. If you canā€™t program your game properly maybe you shouldnā€™t have time limited eventsā€¦

Iā€™m marching down to my local donut shop and letting them know that offering a one-day, limited time offer on donuts is PSYCHOLOGICAL OPPRESSION of the human animal. idk if I can though, Iā€™m literally shaking right now

OH and donā€™t get me STARTED on the lemonade stand around the corner where the kid has the AUDACITY to only sell lemonade once a year. How dare he inconvenience me like that? I have half a mind to contact appropriate authorities - what am I supposed to do, drink Yerba Mate every day?


Participation ribbon generation.

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Jarr darrr me maties.

Haha it is indeed either Freehold or Boralus. Good eye!

They also said in the same post that season 4 would be started several weeks afterwards