The 10.2.6 Content Update Arrives March 19

Some people care very, very loudly and aggressively. :stuck_out_tongue: A few others are just here to stir the pot.

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LOL What is up with this announcement? The 19th is four days away. And you canā€™t even talk about the content, even what the theme is? ā€œLimited-timeā€ is not a theme.

This really doesnā€™t instill confidence.


I would assume that if the article calls it time-limited that it wonā€™t be a recurring event. Iā€™m also very concerned that items people have wanted for years like unused BfA transmog appearances used by various pirate and Kul Tiran NPCs will be included as rewards from the event and afterwards will never be obtainable again.

If the rewards are brand-new cosmetics created for the event, that would be okay, but I donā€™t want something like the Blacktooth bicorne hat or the rest of the Irontide set to be exclusively available from the time-limited event and then never obtainable again in any way.

Iā€™d also be okay with it if the event itself is time-limited but the rewards are eventually available annually from Piratesā€™ Day or as part of the Trading Post rotation or something.

They said the content would be a surprise and that is why it wasnā€™t up on the ptr.

So no one should of expected anything more then a release date for the patch to be honest .

I swear everyone complains that Blizz lets to much get leaked and when they do hold something back to be a surprise for players everyone changes their toon and complains about that .

People need to make up their mind .

Canā€™t have it both ways

Iā€™ve seen someone complain about data mining once or twice but no where near ā€œeveryoneā€

Iā€™ve seen more people request or demand more transparency than Iā€™ve seen anyone complain about leaks/spoilers/datamining

Ok Iā€™ll give you that but the point is , it seems like people are going to complain either way and a lot of people seem to complain just to complain .

Does Blizz do everything right ? Of course not but to be honest Iā€™m going to complain about game breaking stuff like if their are issues with my class or there is a bug making it impossible to complete a quest that is part of say a patch campaign .

Stuff like this ainā€™t no sweat off my back . Will I try for whatever stuff there is for the event ? Of course if itā€™s just a cheevo cool if itā€™s nothing other then a wayto kill time in the game I can live with that.

To old to care and complain about every little thing


This is the way.

It is known.


I prefer not knowing what new content is until it comes out. This cycle of knowing every single thing about the game months before release due to dataminers takes a lot of the fun out of the game.


Thanks for the fomo, not looking forward to it.


Idk why anyone was expecting something else other than garbage. Iā€™m not playing season 4. Its just a rehash of earlier seasons with nothing really to it. Disappointed they keep going with this approach.

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Itā€™s just a way to give people that want to keep playing until the TWW pre patch comes out something to do .

Some will do it others will do other games and such until then .

Remember before fated seasons the final patch would often last a full year give or take a couple of months .

THink ICC, Dragon Soul, SoO and Helfire Citadel

How disappointing .

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Omg that would be hilarious, imagine the uproar on the forums HAHAHAHAHA

FOMO mentalities. Forced PvP. What could possibly go wrong? :upside_down_face:


No pirates. :pirate_flag:


Looks like freehold is on the menu? Like freehold gauntlet leaderboards ?


Is this inside free hold dungeon or outside open world maybe some sort PVP in the pit where you do part the BAF story quest.

coordinates open world 73.61, 83.49

So wait you hype your community up with a unknown patch, put a lot of effort into keeping it secret. You try to get people excited and into the game againā€¦ and not only do you make this patch / event a limited time event to never ever be seen againā€¦ but youā€™re hinting its rehashed bfa content?

Yeahā€¦ iā€™m sure this will erase all the bad pr, and all the bad things the company has done for wow. Keep digging that hole Blizzard, youā€™re doing wonderful.

I love FOMO.

Isnā€™t in theory every season/expansion FOMO? Play while DF is current else you wonā€™t be able to experience half of content ever againā€¦ Yet people donā€™t feel FOMO in mentioned scenarioā€¦ Some people will just complain about everything.


Thatā€™sā€¦not how expansions work. At all. And half of any expansionā€™s contents are never removed. A quest or two here and there, maybe, and some cosmetics, but none of that adds up to half an expansion being wiped out. Iā€™d prefer nothing to be removed at all, but it is what it is.