The 10.2.6 Content Update Arrives March 19

CE Fyrakk will be gone next season.

Haven’t both of them been nerfed like 5 times?

At this point you want them to be heroic difficulty lol.

Why pirates… ugh. :face_exhaling:

Oh well at least its something to do, with hearthstone event. Thanks. :woozy_face:

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So… are we actually going to get to play it right away? or are we gunna suffer problems with lag on release? itll be pretty bad for you guys if this is not smooth. but “oh its fine we just wont do it again” no it should oif been Never to do secret patches like this. Holly is a classic player. dont let her influence descions when all she wants is surprise fun when no one wants that. Literally depressing all the way.


Neither one of them have been nerfed correctly. The bosses having too much HP is not what’s trashing so many guilds.

It’s alright to sit this one out. Personally, I just want to know what Blizzard’s goal is. If they want this to continue, fair enough. Just let us know.

Wow, what a very underwhelming “update”. Just a date and it’ll be time-limited. :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:


i dont see a problem with it

you’re just hating to hate it seems :zzz:

Just like button bloat is a player created problem and not a Blizzard one.

Just becasue you have something doesn’t mean you have to do it .

You choose to then that’s your choice not Blizzard’s fault or problem .

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Let me get this straight–you kept it as a mystery and silence for a while. Now, you said it’s time limited…

It said content update, but it’s time limited. What?


What’s confusing about this? The current Hearthstone event is limited time content

This thread needs to be purged, I think we reset and go again.
I’ll rewrite the PR post for you Blizz

Hey fam (Because we’re now cool as a Blizzard a heh), we’re doing an event, it’ll be truly of the littest, enjoy and forever be og swag, comingsoonTM


Lol, after seeing the pic they posted, it has to be pirate themed. I’m not sure why they bothered to blur it.

/gives out a half enthusiastic woot


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Teamwork makes the dream work

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Agreed. Good lord. I wasn’t even nasty towards anyone. :roll_eyes:

So let’s recap:

  1. Underwhelming 'cause all we got was a date, which we knew, but still underwhelming.
  2. It’ll be FOMO for some, which will suck. Limited time event isn’t something some look forward to.

There! And… go!


Reads article

It just says mark calendars for the limited time event… but what’s the event?

The anticipation! I have a feeling it’s with pirates of course but hopefully it will be fun.


i liked thallia better she was a night elf.

You’re too pure for this world dear Fuzz

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we are literally still in the middle of a limited time event.

could you please at least give us a week or two?

before everyone says, oh u don’t have to go… well, if the event has rewards i want, then yes, i will be forced to attend the event or miss out.

what if it doesnt have rewards you want?