The 10.2.6 Content Update Arrives March 19

VAMPIRATES?! :smiley:


it might doesnt mean it will be

be patient and see the event for yourself

The new event is both BOLD and NEW so we can extrapolate a few things.

BOLD most likely means, something that we would least expect them to do, either because it’s out of the realm of reason of something they’d normally consider doing, or it involves something very hard to put together.

Holly Longsdale did say any player on any version of wow be it retail, classic, hardcore, etc could take part.

Maybe it’s some kind of crossover event between the various versions of WOW, and somehow obviously incorporates pirates. Maybe they are time pirates that corrupted the timeline and let other realities cross over.

NEW could mean either just the event itself is new, or the mechanics involved is something new and never before seen.


i imagine time portals make the bloodsail pirates attack all timelines

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OHHH thats super interesting! I wonder what it’ll be, that would work well between both. Thats actually kind of neat

Oh this works, theres the time pirate dragon thing too?

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um there is no mention of classic at all in this post LOL

You’re halfway there.

Companies exploit FOMO to extract more money out of their customers. This event would have to provide some pretty amazing rewards to accomplish bringing people back to the game out of FOMO, or making people who are already bored with the game stay subbed slightly longer.

Creatures jumping out of portals attacking is neither new, nor bold.

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So all it takes is one person who doesnt care to make something not fomo? I saw you complaining about hs event rng (rightfully so) a couple days ago. Is that not fomo because there were people on this forum that were ok with it? You were just complaining out of entitlement?


It’s better to be safe than sorry, and get some clarification and useful feedback now rather than later.

Those one-time events would be fine, great even, if we could get the rewards later somehow.

its just right for what current blizz is capable of

Genuinely curious though, where did they say this event is for Classic Players as well? Cause I don’t remember them saying that either.

If it’s because Holly Longdale is spearheading it - she’s one of the main people on retail, not just classic.

she was the one who said it

Yea for them its not FOMO. that’s the neat thing about personal feelings, every1 can have them and feel different things.

Some people will feel FOMO some will not.

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Well that’s disappointing.


For the 10.2.6 patch for Dragonflight, we created what we think is a unique event inspired by past musings from the community. We can say that it is open to anyone with a WoW subscription if they want to participate (Classic or Dragonflight players).


I love the forums. Endless entertainment!


Do you know what interview? Cause google isn’t popping anything up.

Its my guilty pleasure, I literally have a small bag of popcorn.


Sometimes perspective is key. The problem is not that some people are the very definition of ignorance personified, it’s that you perhaps too eagerly underestimate by a profound margin just how infinitely ignorant they CAN be?

There is untold wisdom in expecting the worst in most scenarios, as you will never be disappointed, and quite the contrary, even pleasantly surprised when things actually go well.