You know after playing the beta now I’ve changed my opinion on the subject
Covenants were the biggest waste of developer time I’ve ever experienced in my life and should have provided no player power what so ever and the whole system is dumb
System is completely gutless
The abilities are all rightfully get systematically nerfed so they are all mild impact buttons
Soulbinds are just a waste and provide nothing but power bloat
Conduits are almost interesting but anyone of them that sounds interesting more than likely needs a nerf
This is what we got for rpg choice, a whole bunch of guff
You’re still not going to feel special no matter what you go, the choice is flawed
I used Preach as an example really, mainly because many people feel the same as him yet keep playing even if they despise covenants and how they put a top to the “wah i want to be optimal at all times with no weaknesses thanks to a tome”
It was a good example because the lead dev of the game himself told him that his epeen contests arent their focus or priority while for Preach and many others epeen contests in wlogs is all they have, yet they kept playing in 8.3, and like i said wlogs are gonna get even more screwed in SL.
Which works for me, as long as I am purple I am good uwu
Plus even if some ragequit I am feeling pretty confident SL will retain a lot more people than usual with all the casual progress content they have.
The game would be utterly boring without new systems and progression stuff, the old style of just classes, a world and some group content doesnt work anymore, more gimmicks are needed else the game would have died a long time ago, games that survive that long need to reinvent themselves else they stagnate and die.
You didn’t even play when we lacked all these end game systems and some how had more players than we do now with higher levels of satisfaction in the game
If I remember correctly you didn’t get a max level toon until you could buy a leveling boost
You tell us to stop turning the game into overwatch and I wonder what pay to win mess you’d like to see the state of the game end up in?
Citation needed for this opinionated view. While blizzard takes feedback into account they ultimatly choose the direction of the game. This 1% is a scapegoat that is willfully ignoring the facts or just honest ignorance.
Literally what happened, blizzard gave a very generous amount of conduit charges yet people still complain because god forbid someone stops them from being optimal at everything and sweeping away weaknesses with a tome.
Honestly Ralph, you are absolutely right. They want everyone equal so they can post graphs flexing. They dont want gear or an other RPG elements to actually Matter. They want overwatch with raids…which would actually probably be a fun game. But it isn’t WoW.
you do realize some of the sims have classes doing less than 50% the damage of others right? this isnt a 3% thing this is a massive difference that blizz keeps compounding on with adding more and more things.
It’s cute that you think you know people’s hidden thoughts on this.
Personally, I don’t get the angst directed at people that want flexibility and balance. That is not forced upon you, you can pick the worst combos you want and never change them if that’s your choice… the other side of the community would prefer a different style.
Only thing I want is the character talent sheet that is tied to my leveling the character to max level with no special endless grind then finally just gear up.