"That's really a skill issue."

He’s not wrong to a point. I mean you do need skill to have some measure of fun in a game. I think people should get good but that doesn’t mean it has to be in the game Blizzard is trying to sell and make money off of. Plenty more games out there to get good at and find your fun in. Just have to get good enough to go in to the accounts page and hit that cancel button and then uninstall from your computer…hic!

the fact that people still think a tab target requires skill is absolutely ridiculous. What skill? you click on someone and you do your rotation. Its merely a number game. Your output vs the other output.

but whatever honestly its much easier for Ion to just say “get gud” rather then actually balancing the game and it makes the players who play flavor of the month specs feel good about themselves.


Then if they did do this it would be like the casuals that don’t do pvp or raids and mythic+ then you’ll know exactly what we’re going through no gear height .Honestly, this forum will be on fire.

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Uh. Depends on the rock paper scissors factor

What makes this funnier is years ago Ion was the guy who “discovered” that pre-nerf C’thun was mathematically unkillable, and one of the replies was from Furor (Alex Afrasiabi) basically telling him it was a skill issue and the fight wasn’t unkillable :rofl:


Was he talking about two players of the same class + spec, one with 200 gear, one with 220 gear, or was he talking any class/spec on 200 vs a different class/spec on 220?

I chuckle any time I see the word “skill” used in context with a video game. Its. A. Game.


I think in all game modes currently the 1% is pretty accurate. There are no various pvp modifiers currently that I’ve seen since the start of shadowlands so any scaling happening in pve should be consistent in pvp, though honor talents change that quite a bit its not too drastic across the game. The problem with what is happening, and a bit with what he said, is that abilities like convoke and legendaries like balance of all things don’t have a pretty curve even if they’re designed in a way where they’re supposed to. Its also something noticed with Windwalkers across the seasons. Target TTL dictates more about our power scaling than ilvl does most times.

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Too bad he didn’t have any stats on him to backup his claims. What is even funnier is the question was referenced with the same player at different item levels.

Such an ignorant statement, the issue is there are 220+ ilvl gladiator XP players all the way down at 1400 rating farming low experience/geared players.

What are they meant to do? They’re both massively out geared and massively out skilled.

You’re supposed to fight against your peers, get better and slowly move up the ranks fighting better and better players, instead there are rank 1’s doing boosts/viewer carries at the very entry level rating.

It’s like letting an Olympian join an under 13’s track meet and telling all the kids to just get better.

What they need to do is cap ilvl in arena for each bracket, 1400-1600 mmr? You cap at 207 ilvl in the arena, 1600-1800? You cap at 213 etc.

This way you still get gear progression, skill still matters but it isn’t inherently unfair for lower rated players or people gearing alts.


Whats so funny about it?

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If anything we would just need all brackets to make an attempt at ilvl matching before expanding due to length of queue. It doesn’t need to be so complex that it just turns into ilvl gaming or a system more limiting than it needs to be for what benefit you want.

I mean just scaling peoples ilvl down to the maximum rewarded from that bracket, so if you’re joining a 1450 mmr game at 225 ilvl it scales you down to 207, this way queue length wouldn’t be affected at all and makes everything much more balanced and fair while retaining gear progression for achieving higher rating.

Because proudly displaying that you payed for RBG carries somehow makes your opinion “reliable”?

No, the exclaimed face that I remember seeing is when he said the power gap is as small as it’s ever been.

Sure I totally qued over 160 games of paid carries.

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I like your name. This makes me find blood elf girls even more hot now

The power gap seems more based of the power systems than gear.

In PvP it’s a real issue. You can’t magically beat 220+ ilvl people at 190-200 ilvl.

in PvE he’s right, you aren’t facing players, you face level of content suited for your gear and progress.


I thought the context for this question was mythic+ and pve, mainly on how people are seeing really big numbers (30-40k) from top m+ players on streams / MDI when they themselves might only do 6-10k at best in those same dungeons.

Theres a lot of factors that go into damage disparities like that, gear is one, certainly, mechanical execution of the base rotation is another, but you’ve also got cooldowns used, how well the pull was stacked, how well the pull was controlled to allow players to stand still and pump, how big it was etc etc. All of those things can be described in some terms as skill, but they’re not just pushing damage buttons in the right order.

PvP gearing and ilvl disparity is a mess though.

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