That Voice Better Not Be Sylvie

you do know that the actress that plays sylvanas does alot of other voices for world of warcraft, right?

so there are going to be some characters in the game that sound like sylvanas.

nah sorry I see this kinda thing and all I hear is silvermoon needs to burn. She’s been kicked around enough leave her alone.

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Seriously? !
You’ve got Xal’atath, Azeroth and the Void as likely sources of that Voice and you think it’s Sylvannas?
Given that she’s been shown to be still in the Maw, what kind of logic did you apply to reach that conclusion?

For NR and Quel it would only make sense to seeing as she was a huge portion around those .

She was at the front line with the Scourge attack and was one of the leading forces going after the LK in Wrath.

Nope you maybe sure.

Yup she was not.

Yeah no it really was not in BFA every cinematic was actually Saurfang being a cry baby because he refuses to accept that what happened to that Tree was very much his fault.

most likely alleria or the world soul.

Whelp keep your fingers crossed for Midnight as the target in that expansion is yet again their Well.

Sylvanas haters won’t be happy till she’s killed off permanently like if the alleged claims that the serial predator Alex Afrasiabi ruined her because of some misogynistic vendetta are true then the WoW writers doing everything in their power to undo that mess was the right thing to do.

And illidan will absorb Sargeras, and we’ll build a fleet of ships and take the fight across the stars to combat the void in World of Warcraft : Across the Void!


/steals your hat…
… and your coffee

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You’re talking to a patron of the GD who has the IQ of a banana and acts like a filth-throwing baboon when the most minor thing happens in WoW