That Voice Better Not Be Sylvie

You mean there is hope that things will get better? soft Belf noises

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It’s definitely Xal’atath.

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I think this is his conclusion, but he can’t be 100% on the voice since only Magni could hear her before.

This better be leading up to wow 2 and new leadership. We mean from the top down!

Omg grow up Sylvanas has not been forced down your throat and was barely present in most of those expansions like Legion was full of Alliance characters, BFA was mostly Saurfang being unable to take accountability for his actions whilst Baine betrayed the Horde for the Alliance and Shadowlands was mostly Anduin and the Jailers nipples.

It is quite obvious that the voice was Azeroth however the voice actor hasn’t been made clear so it could be Patty Mattson.

If they brought that whiney little emo, Anduin back, you can bet Blizz is going to bring back Sylvanas too…

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American education in media comprehension is pretty dire.

Now the Maw janitor.

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Don’t worry the Forsaken Heritage questline you get a message from her if you were a loyalist.

Basically boils down to her saying she was cringe and it’s time for you to stop being cringe because she isn’t cringe anymore.

Basically they reverted her back to where she was before they decided to do this plot with her.

Death to Sylvanas.


Do you have a concussion?? Sylvie was not shoved down our throats?? All bfa…all sl…every single cinematic …every quest was moving one step towards figuring out her diabolical plans. Burning elves in a tree. Her stupid things with arthas. How many times did she die? Three?
Omg how do I know all this stuff? Cuz I had to do content to get leggos or I could t PvP competitively.

You’re giving her Snidely Whiplash plans way more credit than they deserve.

Who is Sylvie? Is this Loki now?

And the close captions literally tell you it’s Azeroth.

Oh. Nevermind.

That was my thought.

A elf hating on Sylvanas, I’m not surprised. That said, the voice was clearly the voice of Azeroth.

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Spoiler alert: Sylvanas is Azeroth.

We’re living on a soulless rock. And the voice is the Jailer rebooting

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

And she is the best character in the game. Dark Lady watch over you!

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We know it comes. Popcorn will be needed. Lots of it.

THe lore I see for it is she will amway (other quasi pyramid scheme setups) it.

She found 2 souls. Hey souls…did you know you too can do this. Look at me, I made profit finding you. You can too! recruit some people yourself, you get bene’s too.

2 souls becomes, 4, 4 to 8, 8 to 16. Geomtric progression function runs out now. And this tasks time is no where near as long as Pelagos or Tyrande thought it would be.

Once that setup hits 1 million souls finding 2 million now this “punishment” is really getting done fast.

Omg it would be so cool if they brought her in for the final saga