Please dear lord of all that sacred…please do not let that voice be Sylvie.
Literally just spent 3 xpacs of Sylvie story slammed down our throats. World of Sylvanascraft needs to die. Forever!!!
I gotta admitt I’m a little scared. I feel like that voice was a little to close to Sylvie…
I cant even begin to tell you how much my heart sank.
But…since blizz is actually a corporation and not a creative entity anymore …if their sales dip and bobby k needs a new boat, they will parachute her back into the game because they know sylvie-simps will eat that up!! Like an all day buffet.
Just please god no…
Why would the voice be her? How…how can you even draw that conclusion?
It’s Azeroth the titan.
i got ptsd from sl…leave me alone. I’m jumpy
Closed captions would have been your friend in this situation as it literally says world soul talking.
I have no idea what’s going on right now.
takes a sip of coffee
That’s Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, the Dark Lady, Banshee Queen, Former Warchief of the Horde, Queen of the Forsaken, Ranger-General of Silvermoon, Protector of Azeroth and the Shadowlands, and Burner of trees.
Show some respect.
i gotta admitt…I would stay subbed for entire xpac if they keep dropping these cinematics like they did in bfa. mind you bfa was such a brutal and terrible xpac…geez…
are we gonna recover from our bfa/sl trauma?
Yeah I don’t like her to be honest. Lots do though. I doubt the voice is her… I do think she’ll be back for ‘Midnight’ with it being in Quel’thalas etc…
I think it is indeed Azeroth or how I thought , that it is either Xal’atath or some void being messing with Anduin and Thrall.
id be ok if they brought her back but only to jump on a world grenade so to speak. And kill her off permantely. to save andy from something.
But to bring her back…no way! Thats just writers painting themselves into a corner again and trying to keep subs
That ain’t Azeroth, she can only talk to Magni because of the material he is made of. That is some other malevolent entity impersonating her, we mortals are easily corrupted by Void Lords and their minions the Old Gods.
I can’t wait for Sylvanas to come back just for the salt alone.
Don’t forget Magni was influenced [fooled] as well at one point.
she bbq’d your allies in a tree. if gnomes werent more than small rodents she would bbq gnomes too.
Then why post about it then.
We already know it’s not a singular individual it’s the world soul.
Also it’s only trauma if you let it be.
I mean seriously if people have trauma over a video game ,got bigger issues that should see a professional about instead of claiming a real life issue over pixels.
I can taste the bitterness now
I will gladly become a leper gnome for the banshee queen
“slap me sylvanas i’m a forsaken too!”
your the reason we cant have nice things
Just be happy knowing we’re going back to Quel and the possibilty your home city might be revamped.
And that would be incorrect as seen in the trailer with closed captioning on specifically saying “world soul”. Further we heard the world soul as well doing BFA healing all those woons. But you are just going to reply “nu uh we are being tricked you are dumb its all misdirection duh!” So have a great day.
azeroths world soul is calling out just like hydaelyn did in a ralm reborn