That Voice Better Not Be Sylvie

Sylv was secretly Azeroth all along.


Please don’t feed the fake traumatized BE who should have been that way when a certain BE tried to play with the Sunwell.


That sounds like open and shut case, you got me. I can’t read minds so you win.

Or the voice drawing them to the sword is xal’atath.


Reminds me of that Marvel movie, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, where the evil only spoke to the father, and it was the evil disguising its voice as the wife he lost.


Uh oh, shadow priests and their knaifu are at it again.

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How are people this media illiterate?


This is the expansion where we find out that Sylvanas is actually the World Soul and everything she’s done has been to protect the planet.


You mean?

Because, yes please.


Those pesky elves and their tree roots were digging into her side and it made her mad

Please delete that or some writer will say “heeeeeeeey, that’s pretty good idea.”

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I dunno. I think C’Thun ogling you for millennia might drive one a bit loopy.


Danuser hugging his body pillow: “You hear that babe? There’s still hope!”


yay the windrunners will finally be reunited at last!

This is the expansion where we find out that Sylvanas is actually the World Soul and everything she’s done has been to protect the planet.

this is an idea.

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Sylvie will merge with Azeroth to restore balance to the world and atone for her sins.

You read it here first.

Same here. I’m assuming OP heard an npc speak and is assuming it’s Sylvanas.

But in the cines we saw of the upcoming expac, Sylv is back to being about as normal and alive as possible, new voice and all so Idk what OP is talking about.

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therapy starts in an hour friend. we’ve all been there lol im still recoverin

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Pretty sure Alleria is going to be a raid boss by the end of the next three expansions.

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they better not.

And there we go. Just like i said.