That poll we did should be used for allied races too =D

I take everything cereal on the internet steals the nearest person’s bowl of cereal that happens to be nearby I’m taking this with me back to the Shadow Lands! Also my vote goes to Ethereals, now there’d be something interesting…

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that didnt even cross my mind!!! bandage boobies!!

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Well… now I’m in stitches after reading that :rofl: :face_with_head_bandage: :mask:.

as long as there is an option of ‘No more Alllied races’. Quite frankly, we have enough races to play already. Time is better spent continuing to add more customization to those already in he game.

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There aren’t that many elf races left to add. Blizzard would have to literally make them up for us to get a lot more.

I am at the point I believe the entire system needs to be redesigned. With the new customization options many allied races and potential allied races don’t make sense.

Blizzard needs to separate customization into “subraces” that you choose after choosing your base race. For now most of them would only come with unique customization and class choices however over time new voice lines and racials can be added in. Obviously for existing allied races they would already be “complete” in that regard.

Allied races would still exist as a concept however they would be for races that don’t fit as a “subrace” such as vulpera.

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There’s a push for High Elves which is basically just “Blood Elves, but they’re Alliance”.

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This is a very bad idea. Let explain why:

  1. People who are fans of more niche races would be alienated and supporters of more popular races would use this to put down other requests that are more niche.

  2. The forums can be very misleading as to what is actually popular. A handful of vocal people can give the illusion of something being popular when it isn’t necessarily.

  3. It would turn into a popularity contest. Not fun and pleasant for those not popular.

  4. There would always be a requested race at the bottom anyway. Races that are thought to be niche right now would be considered unpopular compared to others.

Races shouldn’t be added merely based on popular request.

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Not a race.

already told you why that won’t happen

Won’t happen, monster races don’t get to be a race. Worgen doesn’t count.

Reskinned goblins.

Homicidal race that is hellbent on destroying entire world? Not going to happen, also nightmare to work around with mounts and armor.

Not gonna happen.

No thank you.

I already seen what lengths people go to and how they act when it comes to their favorite pixels on screen.

No. People made the wrong choice in the mount poll. They provably cannot be trusted.

How is this different from Blood Elves?

however over time new voice lines and racials can be added in.

At they point when not just simply include them as a new race? Or are you basically trying to say that things like this just shouldn’t have as much effort put into them.

which we got now with the new customization. Although that should be further expanded on with my subrace idea.

But besides high elves there are san’layn which would include forsaken elves underneath them in a way through customization. Thats it. No other elves exist to add.

? I am saying this because it makes the character creation look cleaner and would help to make things consistent with what blizzard is doing with the shadowlands customization. Many potential allied races will now be customization of the base race. Why should they get treated like this while other subraces get to be their own race? I know many subraces definitely don’t deserve to be an entirely separate race however having a “subrace” option after the base race selection would fix that.

I would say by how distinct the subraces are.

  1. Does the subrace have any unique geometry? If so it should be its down race.

Sand trolls and frost troll would be the same classes and darkspear trolls and don’t have unique geomerty unless you mean the bulky ones so not a lot is lost by having them as a subrace.

  1. Does the race have classes unique races that its core race counterpart doesn’t have?

A good example would be eredar if they were ever playable. They would be able to be warlocks and rogues. Both classes unplayable to draenei.

  1. Do they have a solid lore setup for being an allied race? Have they helped a faction and are continuing to do so actively? Customization can be used to add races that aren’t necessarily lore justified as an ally of some kind.

Using these 3 criteria, I would say that races like highmountain tauren and lightforged dranei would be out, but subraces such as nightborne, gilgoblins, mechagnomes and kultirans would all be justified as their own race. And so far all of the subrace customizations added don’t have unique geometry if they were their own race.