That only happens if the Horde wins an honorable victory

In what way is that un-unifying? Being unified and not capitalizing on momentum are not mutually exclusive.

I hold the text fully supports that, as that is obvious what I read from it.

To be fair to you, this is a carry over conversation between Imerus and me from another thread, so there might be parts there that Imerus and I would know what we were talking about without having to quote the entire other thread here to recap. Though I did do a fair bit of that as well.

You may want to keep reading the conversation and reread its context then, as my point with her guessing Elune’s potential interference was that she was probably wrong about what affects Elune’s merciful blessings on the Night Elves would have on the Worgen, which Sylvanas herself might have known about through her allying with Alpha Prime.

Unless you’re arguing that being correct about one thing means someone would be correct about everything they’ve thought, which if is the case, I don’t know how to help you.

This was also from the conversation I mentioned Imerus and I were having in the other thread:

TL;DR: I’m not here to convince you of anything. I’m just sharing the lore I see as well.