I don’t mean to say it would of. Just that that is what they theorized in their discussion. That their inability to strike back (whether or not it was true) would play into the situation. Which is why the whole weakened navies seemed significant to them.
Here is an example of why I consider it the same plan. Maybe it will outline the difference more as I see it. Say I go, ‘I’m going to exploit money from Joe.’ At first I try blackmailing him but, after some events, it turns out identity theft is the only way that works (he’s resisting said efforts. To me, the plan is the same (exploit money from Joe) with differing details (I’ve gone from blackmail to identity theft).
In this way, I see their plan as always being ‘drive a wedge between the Alliance’. The specifics of that went from ‘capture Teldrassil’ to ‘burn Teldrassil’. All this might just be semantics of what we consider ‘the plan’.
I agree Sylvanas misread Genn. And probably for the reasons you give. I just consider her subsequent actions (burning of Teldrassil) as evidence otherwise in regards to how vital he was.
Delaryn seems pretty broken at this point. But yeah, I just feel like their personal thoughts were meant to be genuine in those instances.
No offense intended, then. And my apologies.
I just consider his actions leading up to the situation as making him as culpable. He shouldn’t have agreed to this war, helped plan it, helped execute it. I would say he’s not fully responsible, at least.
I agree he’s certainly seeming to take on more responsibility for what happened. Just not necessarily shaking blame for the burning.
Mainly because my point was that it was her plan, not that it would have worked. But in theory it probably would probably have gone like it is now. Dark Rangers siding with the Forsaken. Tyrande going off seeking dangerous, ancient rituals. Her being upset that Anduin isn’t sending as much aid to Darkshore because he is invested in Arathi and Zandalar. And that this division would make them the worse off than working united.
Again, not that it would work. Just that it followed the same thought process.
For the record, I don’t mean to imply that. I’m just at the point where I don’t know how much more useful comments I can contribute.