That new Wrathion model... omg!

something to do with the dragon isles. he’s looking for them. the dragons wont tell him their location for some reason. meanwhile, n’zoth is looking for him.

Valeera’s model is literally a HD version of her HoTs one, and in HoTs her login screen animation shows that those shoulder spikes can move like some 90s transformer toy

Why can’t we get hair options like that for our characters?


no doubt. he’s got a good hair stylist hehe

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He looks kind of like, Alexios, from AC: Odyssey!

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I honestly don’t like much Calia’s model (specially her skin color)…but I’m super glad she, AT LAST, will appear (apparently).

Wrathion’s model rocks.

I am wiling to try dragon for an evening.


Wow he looks a lot different.

The hair isn’t rigged yet. So it stands up. The same thing happened to Lor’themar when his new model was showcased.

seriously, i want more robes like jaina callia and khadgar’s! we’ve had the same robes for 14 years now

I wouldn’t either. But I am not helping him. Of they let me kill him slowly and painfully, fine. But if they expect me to help him… I’m out.

He looks somewhat like that actor from the Mummy Returns, Oded Fahr.

The MoP Wrathion looks way better.

You mean the MoP Wrathion who had no chin?

I agree that this Wrathion is a bit more toned-down from what we’d expect of him. He was so flamboyant, fashionable, and decorated in MoP. I was hoping for a fancy hat or more jewelry. At least he kept the shoes and eyeliner.

He really does fit the pirate aesthetic, though. It’s like he heard there were pirates and understood only that it was a dress-up party. I hope he does this every expansion.


The first time I saw the MoP Wrathion, I sensed something extraordinary within him. He really stands out and is very different from other NPCs.

That new Wrathion is just slightly different from other NPCs. Sort of like some ordinary NPCs in a small quest chain. :rofl:

He needs more jewelry and a big hat.

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I’d like to be a fly on the wall when Wrathion meets Ebonhorn. :scream:


I’m not impressed with 8.2 but seeing this coming to 8.2.5, Blizzard better announce 8.3 either this month or next month. Wrathion looks like an evil Aladdin btw.

Honestly isn’t that just a blood elf model reskinned?

He’s always looked like evil Aladdin. This time, he’s evil pirate Aladdin. Except he’s not evil, just looks like it because he has red eyes.

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