That Flask of Unbridled Darkness

i’m not kaivax but i definitely felt like i cleared it faster than i usually do even with my alts, all you do is drag a bucnh of stuff, stand still and then hit your cds and it dies

An M+ season with Torghast powers would be delicious. Maybe special mobs dropping Anima Orbs throughout the dungeon + an Orb at the start and per boss?

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You have a tough job given the crowd here is very forthcoming with feedback.

That said - I think the flask is a horrible anima power. I tried it out and instantly regretted my choice.

While we are on the topic of Torghast feedback, perhaps you can make some general changes to caster classes. Torghast feels like an empowered action RPG dungeon crawl. Part of what gives it the action RPG feel is the pace. Casters and their cast times significantly slow this pace down when compared to melee specs and it generally makes the whole experience more tedious and boring. In the future, consider introducing anima powers for casters that change their damage profile to require far less of a ramp up.

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Its the buff where everything goes pitch black and you get the damage increase right? I just kinda clicked on it without reading the actual name.
Unless I’m much mistaken though, there is an overlap where the event goes live and the Torghast wings reset.

So? I utterly despise Torghast, as I say almost all the time. My patience for that place is limited. How’s it sad that I don’t want to waste more time than I actually have to in a place I don’t enjoy, when I pay to play as I do.

Positive affixes would be cool in any way shape or form. Something to actually make you WANT to do a week

That’s the problem. All of these Torghast “events” are targeted towards groups, when the reality is that most players much prefer to do Torghast solo.

You are seeing numbers that show that very few players are doing Torghast as a group. Your response to this is to try to push people into the group play they don’t enjoy, when you might be trying to figure out how to further enhance the experience the way players have already chosen it.

No offense meant, but I’ve been in organizations that do this. You’re on the road to Abilene.


I don’t think so. I think they’re trying to get the word out that that vial exists so you can be OP ingame.
I’ve been to so many sales presentations so that’s what I figured. I see it everywhere now. lol

It works fine without a group

So it’s like the blind leading the blind? That could be very funny.

It really is.

Of course, you still have your mini-map, which is pretty good. And you can still use your cursor to “feel” things. Like lootable bodies or grappling eyehooks (!!).


Me and my partner often play side by side. It was literally the blind leading the blind, lol.

So I haven’t seen it anywhere but is Demon Hunter spectral sight breaking the darkness a flavor/intentional mechanic or just a weird bug? lol

I used it in my mandatory weekly run and it was scary trying to kill stuff in complete darkness. Ended up dying because I stood in garbage I couldn’t see.

I preferred the little void walker guys I got when I killed things with my SW:D in the first run.

THIS is what the community manager posts about?

All the issues in game now… and THIS is what you choose to post about?


Pull the stick out.


Definitely the first time I’ve spent 10 minutes boating about how much im having in torgahst on discord in a non sarcastic fashion

Truly awesome power. Getting the extention anima power and just chain pulling from the start of the floor to the end to keep the buff up is so great

I read that the special event options just made it harder so haven’t tried.

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Reading the description of the Anima Power made it sound like more of a hindrance rather than a benefit. I chose not to use it at all. Maybe if I was a Demon Hunter with Spectral Sight I would have fun with it.

So many people saying they read the description and didn’t take it, it makes me sad.

This is the most fun of the three Torghast events we have had so far. You will kill the final boss in 5 seconds. You can annihilate trash packs on the later floors once you’ve picked up Suffocating Shadows.

You’re not supposed to move when you use it. You just collect as many mobs as possible, then pop Unbridled Darkness and watch as they all drop dead.

Try it, it’s great!

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Ok, so, took a 140 ilvl BM hunter, completely fresh into Torghast layer 8. Grabbd the darkness power.

Proceeding to just murder everything. EZ as !@#$ run. Floors 4/5 I would literally just pop the vial and run towards each group of mobs - Sure I couldn’t see anything, but I used my minimap to prevent myself from falling off. !@#$ died as soon as I went to it - Had several copies of the various “Pulse damage” powers while in darkness.

Likely will try it on my 220ish Feral druid, but it’s hella good for undergeared alts.

The power that makes it fade when you end combat is needed for layers that have a !@#$-ton of traps and whatnot, but when you don’t have many traps