When you try to catch Renny for the last time, although the animation shows as you do have cath it, the quest does not turn to the next step (once I was able to get it on Ardenweald, but then was unable to get in Bastion).
Super cool to teleport to bastion, unable to click on the fox leaving me stranded :^)
I can’t even teleport to the 1st location. Same problem though: the animation shows as you do have cath it, and nothing happens… both Renny and I just stand there, looking like idiots.
Still an issue in all phases of the quest, had it happen in ardenweald, bastion, and maldraxxus after killing the npc and clicking the fox, animation happens but does not credit.
That happened to me a few minutes ago. I logged out and logged back in. The room was empty, so I walked out until the NPC phased back in and then went back in and killed the NPC, click the fox and completed the quest.
Having this same issue, and it’s right away in Ardenweald. I chase the fox, click it the final time, the animation plays, but no quest progress happens. It seems like it may be connected to server lag somehow. The server lag is exceptionally bad at the moment.
Same. Stuck on last part. Says I killed the boss, clicked on Renny and nothing happens.
I fixed this by right-clicking to remove the buff “Catch the fox”. It let me click Renny again and completed the quest.
yup this works
Yeah I tried that. I glow and hear a sound that should mean success but then he becomes unclickable even after clicking the buff off. He doesn’t even transport me to Bastion.
Yep, same here. Even tho the sound que plays, the fox just jumps away and I can’t capture him. Removing the buff doesn’t work for me :c
Thank you! This worked for me as well.
I gave it a few days in case there were some hotfixes. I also read a few comments on things that worked for people, from dismissing pets to only catching Renny when he’s stopped moving. I was able to catch him in Ardenweald and Bastion this way, only for it to bug again in Maldraxxus.
It finally worked after a few attempts of removing the buff and catching Renny again. Very bugged.
i try everyday no go, still bugged so annoying it has been bugged since day one
Propably fixed after this maintenance , lets hope !
The quest is still bugged. Was able to get teleported to bastion one of the many times I tried. Got stuck there and had to fly back.
This worked for me, too.
Still bugged. Impossible to complete. I tried clicking off the buff from the npc. Nothing. The fox becomes un-interactable upon stopping the fox rendering that possible solution moot.
This is the same for me. Hours have been spent doing this now and still nothing. Every option given has been tried multiple times. Still nothing. It is frustrating.
After I killed the last mob and the fox bugged on me I logged in and out and I was in Ardenweald with it completed.