That Darn Fox! quest bug

BUG CATCHING TH FOX!!! The cool thing is that it leaves you stuck in a random freaking area without any flight master…

you’re a legend

All that did for me was leave me stranded in Bastion for the third time.

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Still bugged as of 12/27, unless I’m missing something (which means the quest text should be more explanatory). I’m in Bastion and Renny is unclickable.

Issue: It glitched for me on the last stage. Killed the NPC but when I clicked on the fox nothing happens and I’m stuck on that stage.

Solution: What worked for me was to reload my UI, right click on the buff “Catch that fox” step out of the room and wait for the NPC to spawn. Kill it again and then I was able to click on the fox and complete the quest.

same problem

Had to remove the buff and click the fox a few times. But finally got credit and it worked! Thanks

Same here. I had to remove the buff in Maldraxxus and finally got it. It’s “fixed” I guess, because I couldn’t even tp from Ardenweald before

Well, still bugged in Ardenweald.
I can’t get the quest in the other maps, only there.
Tried to remove every buff, but still no results.

That worked for me. About the 4th time after i removed the buff and reclicked on Remy it finally finished it and sent me back to Ardenweald

I believe the bug occurs when you interact with Renny twice at once and you end up “capturing” them while you’re stunned. If you only interact with them once at a time, it doesn’t seem to glitch.

Still bugged, I can’t even pick him up at all.

This is a long standing quest bug.

Updated: 7 days ago

Currently, we do not have a workaround or resolution that can be provided. We apologize for any inconvenience while our developers work as quickly as possible to resolve the issue.

still bugged, it’s not porting me to bastion

I have been stuck on the no porting to bastion since the beginning, however, I managed to finish the entire quest 2 days ago.

Try not to click on the fox right after he make a small “teleport wrap”, it’s tricky but it seem that clicking on it right after this make it bug somehow.

This is still bugged.

Caught him in ardenweald, got teleported to bastion. Caught him in bastion and the animation triggered but it never picked him up. So now i’m just randomly in Bastion.

Still bugged :frowning:

still bugged.

Still bugged on the first step of the chain for me as of 28th May 2021. Attempted with 6 characters so far. Guess I’ll never get this pet.

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The logout and come back to kill the npc again method worked for me