That Arthas shot from the new animated shorts

I may be totally wrong but I think the trailer “hints” that maybe Garrosh got turn into a venthyr? Maybe that’s why we don’t actually see Garrosh as himself anywhere else.

Obviously, I may be just totally wrong and is just random orc number 4258 getting his daily treatment of ball torture.


It was a nice surprise from blizz if he’s around so hey. Kudos. I dig when story tellers can sneak in surprises like that

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As I’m reading these posts, I wonder if you guys are even speaking English lol. I have no idea what anyone is talking about.

So I think we will have Uther, Draka confirmed as narrator and protagonist of at least two shorts?

one is going to be venthyr but who knows who the protagonist of it will be.

I can’t say either who is the important guy in the Night Fae. It is not one of the soul binds I can at least see that much.

So probably we getting 4 shorts, one for each covenant.

We don’t.

We speak fangirl.

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All the years on tumblr have taught me the ways of the fanboy / fangirl language

Most likely. I could potentially see a fifth for the Arbiter/Oribos/Jailer too as sort of an overall “all roads lead here” one.

I would like that, But I think i did not see anything that seemed related to Oribos in the trailer.

So I think we can at least confirm 4 shorts. I mean the more the merrier. The best part of an expansion is getting this amazingly stylized shorts.



My boy is back!!!

It wasn’t in the trailer but I could see it being done as sort of a “surprise” short at the end. I’m not going to complain if we only get those four though.

I’ve yet to understand the fascination that some people have with Arthas. To each their own, I suppose.

Man I hope The Jailer has a cool voice. I just picture a motionless powered down Arbiter as the camera is slowly panning around them and The Jailer is talking.

You know the hype everyone had when Vader annihilated everyone in a hallway? Arthas is like that for folks


I was a kid when I played warcraft 3. I was fascinated by Arthas and his entire journey. Hence he will always remain special to me.


Someone pointed this out in another thread and I wish I knew who it was… maybe Awkward? Anyways, Garrosh died in an AU. Would he really be here? Wouldn’t he be in an AU Shadowlands?

Can’t wait for Thursday.

Garrosh died in an AU Draenor but he’s not from That AU.

I mean if the shadowlands has folks from other planets possibly then I don’t see why not

Garrosh needs to be redeemed.

Garrosh did nothing wrong.

Arthas is the Anakin that had a proper showing of how to fall to the dark side.


I get that. I just don’t get why. At least Vader was cool when he was first introduced before they threw his whiny younger self at us with the prequels.

My recollections from WC3 were hating Arthas the entire time. I’m still a fan of Muradin though.

As I understand it, there’s only one Shadowlands for everything. Each timeline doesn’t have its own. No, it doesn’t really make much sense to me but I try not to think about it.

Even I had the “No Fear.” “ONE FEAR” meme reaction to Arthas briefly showing up when you’re rescuing Jaina from The Blighted Lands. And I wasn’t even a fan of WC3

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