That Arthas shot from the new animated shorts

I never said he was from that AU but he did die in that AU. Are you saying souls can cross over different universes?

Other planets from our universe.

See, this is what happens when you do stupid time line stuff, Blizz :rage:

Can’t wait, these animated shorts are always so good. I love the music to the art.

From that screenshot you shared, It looks like Andorhal behind Uther.

Just pretend anything Star Wars that happened after 1983 doesn’t exist. That’s what I do and I’m perfectly happy.

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Ehhhh I kinda have a stupid soft spot for that Anakin. Psych experts tend to use him as an example of Borderline Personality Disorder since he fits quite a few of the criteria. Something I have and I dunno it’s kind of a comfort to see someone like me in a story. Even if a lot of it had badly written dialogue lol

Omg! I can’t wait! :partying_face:

I want want want now! Give me give give! :smiley:

I don’t think that was Arthas. I don’t see his horse.


There’s a horse right behind him

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What horse? I can’t see one.


Why not? The Legion was doing it from the Nether. There was no AU Nether so I could see Blizz doing the same here.

Oh goddangit you got me


I saw what u did there… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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farms behind Uther seems like Andorhal city, perhaps its a past flashback.

I think the work done by the same person that did the previous ones is top notch. AND I KNOW that it’s hella expensive but a Old Soldier type CGI would be so awesome with like a Arthas vs Uther or even seeing Garrosh being tortured by the Venthyr.

Heck even seeing the Winter Queen.

Son of a – he got me too.

Dammit I’m slow today

Kalzhun wins the internet.


Top notch goof.


Tbh the little i have seen of the jailer so far (which is not much since I have tried to avoid spoiling myself) have not really let me to feel any sense of danger or thread coming out of him.

Currently I feel as intimidated by the jailer as i did for G’hunn… which was 0.

It would help a lot to make the jailer into a real enemy if he had a freakingly good voice actor behind him but does he even have any voice lines actually implemented in beta? I don’t think so

So… AU Draenor, and all the souls and actions within it existed only as an unrealized reality, and thus was nothing more than a dream.

Until we interacted with it. It then became real, and thus became a reality that could be seen, touched, and interacted with. And as a result beings, the Burning Legion and apparently the Shadowlands dwellers, that transcend reality could now influence it.

Once we left, it started to fade from reality returning to a state of being an unrealized reality (likely the impending apocalypse mentioned by the Mag’har), but for the brief time of our presence souls who died there would have been subject to our reality, and thus transported to the Shadowlands upon death.

That would be the only explanation for both Garry’s presence, and our having permanently destroyed Archimonde while there.

Beings that transcend reality are unable to affect unrealized realities until they become real, which was why it was so dangerous for Prince Malchezzar to have gained control of Karazhan, which guards a part of Azeroth that can pierce these unrealized realities and make them real. Hence his line: “All realities, all dimensions are open to me!”


I mean. There’s a good chance Blizz is only giving little tastes of him to avoid surprises being spoiled.

It’s also possible the beta is just builds before they got a voice actor to read the lines

Blizzard art and hype teams always do good. The actual product just fails to live up to the bar they set. It’s an expansion of annoying systems again.